A new challenge awaits, one we can’t underestimate

With the new season just under a week away the build up this week will be frantic, and of course for ourselves a new dawn awaits as we start under the management of former manager Brendan Rodgers.

We are the champions and will raise the flag on Saturday, the ninth time we have done so in the last decade. Only once have we kick started the season in those past ten years without the tag as defending champions. We are truly the best side in the country and will do our upmost to keep that status next season.

Like every year we face a challenge from our loud and confident noisy neighbours and this year is no exception. This year though I think it will be a lot closer and tougher than some of our supporters anticipate.

Usually they fall flat in their face after all their bravado, but this year we shouldn’t be so sure. They have rid themselves of the over hyped and overrated Ryan Kent and Alfredo Morelos amongst other dead wood. They have brought in near enough a full side of new signings, so they are clearly making a go of it.

Of course most of their new signings have been hyped up as world beaters, despite being unwanted elsewhere, but we wouldn’t expect anything less. They may be unknown quantity’s, but then again so were Kyogo and Hatate etc.

I’m confident in our own ability and in Brendan Rodgers is a quality proven coach who’s been round the block. We also have a quality squad with more incomings likely.

Just an Ordinary Bhoy

About Author

An ordinary everyday Celtic supporters hailing and still residing in Govan in the shadows of the enemy. I’m a season ticket holder. I Witnessed my first Celtic game in 1988 and have attended when I can ever since. Growing up in the 90s I witnessed Celtic at their lowest, and now appreciate the historic success we enjoy today. I enjoy writing about this wonderful football club and hopefully will continue to do so. I’ve always been a keen writer and initially started this a hobby. My ambition is to one day become as good an author as my fellow Celtic Star colleagues.

1 Comment

  1. Rob O’Keeffe on

    Don’t think BR will be having many sleepless nights when he does his homework on WeDoOurTalkingOffThePark FC