‘The adrenalin was obviously pumping at that time,’ Rodgers

THE CELTIC STAR yesterday covered what Brendan Rodgers and James Forrest were saying at the press conference.

You can read the manager’s comments HERE and what the Prestwick Pele had to say HERE.

However if you missed all that here’s a short summary of what they had to say:


“I think after the tackle he was just happy that he could get up!

“The adrenalin was obviously pumping at that time. It was one of the funny moments of the season. It was very good.

‘”There’s no doubt he does get a bit of attention. I think he enjoys it.

“It’s one where the more people come after him, he really brings his game up.

“That’s always the worry for other teams. He’s so competitive.

“We have a very young side, but they realise what Scott does for them. When he needed that support, they were all there for him.

“He is just an outstanding competitor and this decision ( to hang up his Scotland boots) will keep his career going here for a few years.”

Meanwhile still laughing at this…”you can play with Craig Gordon”…


“It was an important three points after Thursday night.

“It was a statement to go up there and score a few goals and keep a clean sheet. It was a good performance all round.

“We’ve been away for nearly a week with games in Russia and Aberdeen, so Sunday showed the team spirit.

“It was a really good result and now we have two home games to look forward to

“It’s an important part of the season with big league games and the Cup, as well. I just want to keep going and playing as many games as I can.

“Now that the schedule will calm down a bit, there aren’t as many midweek games, so that’ll be good and give us a boost for the remainder of the season.”

Forrest looked at tomorrow night’s visit of Neil McCann’s Tayside outfit and added: “We know it’s going to be a hard game.

“They’ll come and make it hard, but, just like every game you play with Celtic you know you just need to be at it from the start.”

NEW – The Celtic Star Podcast: How The Rebels won, David Low lifts the lid, listen now!

DAVID LOW, who played a crucial role in the struggle against the Old Board and helped Fergus McCann gain control of Celtic and transform the club from top to bottom, is the special guest on The Celtic Star Podcast, A Celtic State of Mind, this week.

Here are some of the highlights in this week’s pod, which as usual is presented by Paul John Dykes and Kevin Graham.

• That Weisfeld still nipped in at the end, before McCann took over. Weisfeld’s step-son, Michael McDonald, is still on the board.

• That Celtic had 5,000 Rangers shares in 1994 and they were quickly sold.

• Craig Whyte found and sold shares in Arsenal when he took over at Ibrox.

• That it was definitely Michael Kelly and Chris White who held out for a wedge, and that Tom Grant, Kevin Kelly and Jack McGinn didn’t; and they still go to Celtic Park unlike the others.

• That the Masterton / Murray relationship had nothing to do with the hardball tactics from the bank towards Celtic.

• Low gives Celts for Change their place, he describes them as a “street movement” who wouldn’t have forced change without the ‘money men’.

He’s right, of course, but nostalgia and retrospect can often paint a different picture. It’s a remarkable listen…

About Author

The Celtic Star founder and editor David Faulds has edited numerous Celtic books over the past decade or so including several from Lisbon Lions, Willie Wallace, Tommy Gemmell and Jim Craig. Earliest Celtic memories include a win over East Fife at Celtic Park and the 4-1 League Cup loss to Partick Thistle as a 6 year old. Best game? Easy 4-2, 1979 when Ten Men Won the League. Email editor@thecelticstar.co.uk

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