‘Airbrushing’ Daily Record plummeting new depths to troll Celtic

Today the Daily Record has once again done what it does best and that is trying to get a rise out of the Celtic supporters with a bit of low-grade snide journalism. Nothing new there.

Yet again when the mood is positive amongst the Celtic supporters with us being treble winners and the imminent return of Brendan Rodgers, they have to produce something that they think will lower the mood. It’s just the way they work.

This is their headline:

‘Ange airbrushes Celtic from his history as Tottenham becomes HIS club in roaring Spurs global address’

Ange has been speaking to Optus Sport on beIN SPORTS Australia and talks about the work getting done behind the scenes at Spurs, getting to know everyone and his first match in charge which will be coincidentally back in his homeland. There’s zero in there about Celtic. He is the manager of Tottenham Hotspur and just like who he took over at Celtic, he is hitting the ground running at Spurs. There is no airbrushing of Celtic, his former club, he is concentrating on the job at hand. It really is that simple.

Ange said in that interview as he looks forward to taking Spurs to Australia: “Yeah, it’s vital, particularly I think with a new manager coming in, myself coming in, and that gives me the time with the players and there will be new staff in as well, where we could all sort of begin to embed the kind of values and football we want to play.

“Also we get to spend a lot of time together, which I think is a good thing because as much as anything else, we get to know each other as people. So it’s vital to our season ahead.”

He continued: “Well it’s a trip home so that’s brilliant! I’m really excited because I do know how passionate people are about football in Australia, the Premier League and more importantly our football club. The trips I’ve done back home are always exciting for me and I think for the whole group, the football club and our players we’ll enjoy it. Very good opposition as well, it’s a great stadium, I’ve visited the stadium and it’s fantastic. I’m really looking forward to it.

“I don’t think it was by design (the Australia trip) but it’s worked out pretty well that my first official game will be back home and I’m sure I’ll have plenty of family and friends there. It’s a great way to start this new era for this football club.

“For everyone, ultimately from a football perspective it’s a great place for us to begin our programme. More importantly it will give everyone a good indication of the kind of football team we want to be.”

The ‘story’ they hoped would bring anguish to those of a Green and white persuasion was one regarding our former manager. You see Ange Postecoglou had the audacity to say ‘we’ and ‘ours’ when making a statement to Spurs fans worldwide. That is outrageous, imagine saying such things. I’m kidding of course, what do they expect him to say?

Ange is a passionate man who gives 110 ten percent to whoever employs him. That’s what makes him special, he’s a people person and the Spurs fans will love him. Spurs are now his club and his concern, Celtic are not and every Celtic supporter gets that. Good luck to him at Tottenham, we all wish him all the best but just like Ange we’ve moved on too and he is no longer foremost in our thoughts.

Unfortunately for Daily Record the Celtic supporters called out their nonsense and rightly so, making it yet another embarrassing episode for them.

Here’s what happened when the tweeted this nonsense…

And here are some of the comments from Celtic supporters…

“Does Michael Beale still talk about QPR as his team? Does Pep still talk about Bayern being his team? Does Klopp still talk about Dortmund being his team? Get a life. Pathetic journalism. Spurs pay his wages now ffs. Give it a rest.”

“He really ruined you with his success!Did you expect him to turn up in a Celtic top singing hail hail? He has a new job, good luck to him.”

“We feel your hurt.”

“Like he airbrushed poor journalism in Scotland.”

“The Record always has everybody “roaring”.”

“Tiresome now. Hardly going to come out dressed as hoopy for a Spurs press conference.”

“Is this even a story? He’s left us to go to another club and that should be his focus now but jeeso get a grip by saying he airbrushes celtic from his history. I very much doubt that he did a great job here at Celtic and I’m sure he will at Spurs. Good luck to him.”

“I can’t believe people pay to read this garbage.”

“Wow, even by your standards that’s pretty poor!”

“This is the most embarrassing one yet from you.”

“Cringe journalism again.”

“Very Poor Journalism.”

And on it goes…

JustAnOrdinaryBhoy – follow on Twitter @ordinarybhoy

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About Author

An ordinary everyday Celtic supporters hailing and still residing in Govan in the shadows of the enemy. I’m a season ticket holder. I Witnessed my first Celtic game in 1988 and have attended when I can ever since. Growing up in the 90s I witnessed Celtic at their lowest, and now appreciate the historic success we enjoy today. I enjoy writing about this wonderful football club and hopefully will continue to do so. I’ve always been a keen writer and initially started this a hobby. My ambition is to one day become as good an author as my fellow Celtic Star colleagues.


  1. John Copeland on

    The best has still to come from those scoops at the daily Record … A nice price increase , just in time for the pre season friendlies ! Three times a year that mob increase their daily price ,not to mention hiking the cost of the daily rag ,slap bang in the middle of a global pandemic …. Scotland’s Champion ! Dear oh dear ,oh dear ….

    • Maybe you’ve noticed everything else has went up in in price ,not just the Record.? Maybe you would like them to hand it out for free ?No doubt prices will be going up at Celtic Park in time for next season as well.

  2. Jim O'Rourke on

    Celtic fans shouldn’t by the record. Its never has anything positive to say about our club. Never forget the thugs and thieves headline from Martin O’Neill’s era