“Oh, good morning, Father. I hope you don’t mind me talking to you. This isn’t really a confession as such, but I’m really so confused and really need your advice. And it’s about me being unlucky in love.

“You know that Angela left me a few days ago. I couldn’t understand it and our children are totally bewildered because we were so happy together. She kept saying how much she loved me and our children, but now she’s away to someone else, and I don’t suppose there is much I can do. I just hope she doesn’t try to entice any of our children to come and join her.

“It is very sad, but I am still in good health and coping with it all. Indeed most people envy me and are jealous of what I have, but the problem now concerns Brenda.

“You see, Brenda and I had a relationship a few years ago, and it was very memorable – at least as joyful as my recent dalliance with Angela – and we were very happy. But then, suddenly, one day out of the blue, Brenda upped and left me. No-one could understand it and everyone wondered what had gone wrong. And the answer was nothing. She just suddenly decided to leave me.

“But now Brenda had been turfed out by the man she left me for, and says she wants back to me. The basic question is “Shall I let her back?”

“Yes, I loved her, and she said she loved me, and yes, we were very happy together and were brilliant together in keeping the children happy, and I’m sure we would be the same again, but how can I be sure that she won’t leave me in the lurch again?

“I can forgive, but I have to be sure that something similar won’t happen again. And I’m not sure that all our children – and we have an awful lot, as you know – will be quite so forgiving.

“I’m not bragging but it would be fair so say that I have also had other offers – quite a few in fact. I’m told I’m something of a decent catch.

So two questions, Father. Should I accept Brenda back? And what is there about me that makes women keep saying that they love me – especially after they have left me? I just don’t understand it, Father!”

Any priests reading this, please feel free to provide some guidance. It’s important especially to the children, and as mentioned already there are lots of them.

David Potter


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