An Appeal To The Musically Minded Celtic Fan

Celtic fans have a very unique musical tradition. Our Irish heritage means that many folk and rebel songs can be heard on the terraces and in Celtic bars or pubs. Beyond that domain, we have numerous football songs inspired by the Scot-Irish musical culture. Few clubs in the world can match our songbook, with numerous tomes detailing our finest achievements in verse and chorus.

From the Celtic Symphony to Willie Maley, The Coronation Cup Song to John Thompson; every triumph and tragedy is celebrated in song. It is one of the things that makes supporting Celtic so special. One moment you can be singing a ballad about Grace Gifford and the Easter Rising, the next you can be regaling tales of the 1957 League Cup Final, before belting out chants about the current crop of players.

From the top of my head, proper folk style Celtic songs, which I haven’t yet mentioned are: The Celtic Song, World Club Championship Song, Piling on the Agony, Bye Bye Rangers, Celtic That’s The Team For Me, Over & Over etc.

The Empire Exhibition Cup and European Cup triumphs are accounted for in Willie Maley, but since then Celtic have gone on to win nine in a row once more, along with a Quadruple Treble. It’s time for an update to the Celtic song book.

This is an appeal to the musically minded Celtic fans to put pen to paper and keep our great heritage of songwriting alive. We need a modern song to add to the collection for future generations!

About Author

Hailing from an Irish background, I grew up on the English south coast with the good fortune to begin watching Celtic during the Martin O'Neill era. I have written four Celtic books since the age of 19: Our Stories & Our Songs: The Celtic Support, Take Me To Your Paradise: A History Of Celtic-Related Incidents & Events, Walfrid & The Bould Bhoys: Celtic's Founding Fathers, First Season & Early Stars, and The Holy Grounds of Glasgow Celtic: A Guide To Celtic Landmarks & Sites Of Interest. These were previously sold in Waterstones and official Celtic FC stores, and are now available on Amazon.

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