PAT BONNER on Scottish Cup semi-final

“If Celtic turn up and play well, they will win the game. They have the best squad, the best players, they have done it in the last number of years.

“Celtic seem to play well when challenged in the big games and they have done okay under Brendan at Hampden Park. So I do expect them to win the game and I do expect them to play well.

“Rangers will put up a battle. They have confidence because, of course, they know they can match Celtic at times in the games but they haven’t beaten them, that’s the key, and I don’t expect it to happen this time.

“Celtic will pass, move and use the full pitch. I think Rangers will have to press Celtic high, they can’t sit back or Celtic will pick them off.

“Can they sustain that throughout the game, that is the question. If they can do that then they have a bit of a chance. I think it will be an interesting game.”

DAVID WEIR on Scottish Cup Semi-final

“I think it will be really difficult. Brendan Rodgers is a top manager. He has a method in regards what he does.

“He has the respect of the players, the club, everybody and he is setting the bar high. Celtic’s managerial appointment was really good. Obviously, a lot of thought and planning went into it.

“They picked the right man at the right time and he has shown their faith was right.

“It has been a long time not to have won an O*d F*rm game. Celtic have obviously improved from that day, no doubt about that.

“Celtic had probably the better chances in the game, but we took ours and we got a bit of luck. So, it is a massive challenge but also a good opportunity for Rangers to put a marker down. I think Rangers have a chance, definitely. The past couple of O*d F*rm games have been tight.

“Celtic have managed to come out on the right end of it. Rangers have had opportunities, but, unfortunately, they haven’t managed to do it.

“It has been a long time since Rangers have beat Celtic. So, that must be a great motivation, whether it is for Graeme Murty’s future or anyone’s future.”

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