Booing an opponent’s national anthem is now seen as bad, but years of rejoicing hatred, bigotry and even genocide is fair game.

Since Tuesday night’s Auld Enemy clash at Hampden Scotland supporters have been getting a hard time from supporters of a certain club and the media both in Scotland and also south of the border.

The crime? Booing the rancid national anthem that England use. What is so bad about booing it? It’s a rivalry and hardly a criminal offence.

Why wouldn’t our nation come together and roundly boo a song that once had the verse ‘rebellious Scots to crush’? The words might not be as prevalent now, but the sentiment is still the same.

What disgusts me and most of the right minded folk in this country is that the ones pointing their fingers have also conveniently been turning a blind eye for decades now regarding the disgusting racism and sectarianism we have witnessed in this country.

Yes that would be our SMSM. They have sat back and said nothing while songs rejoicing the slaying of Catholics and the genocide of a million people is celebrated and is roundly belted from the stands. They have never even batted an eyelid never mind discuss the disgusting attacks on many members of our society.

Yet all of a sudden booing an opponent’s national anthem is the major topic of discussion despite much worse behaviour going on in the public eye for decades. It seems they have selective memories and only want to discuss the ones that suits their agendas.

It’s a total cop-out. In fact it’s down right cowardly. It shows them up for what they really are, and that’s a bunch of pathetic hypocrites.