“Bottle merchants” – Reality kicks in for despondent Bears

“Serial losers, that’s what we are. I’m disgusted… Bottle merchants” – Reality kicks in for despondent Bears…

The bones have been picked over yet again this evening on Clyde 1’s Superscoreboard phone-in with angry bears venting their fury over Phillipe Clement’s team and their capitulation in the last two matches.

It hasn’t been easy for the Ibrox fanbase, having had to watch on in disbelief at the supposed world-beaters crash and burn to Ross County, then be held to a 0-0 draw in Dundee, this all coming after they celebrated their title win with a 3-3 moral victory over Celtic.

theRangers captain James Tavernier is disappointed at full time after the Scottish Premiership match between Dundee and theRangers at Dens Park on April 17, 2024. (Photo by Ian MacNicol/Getty Images)

The usual chat had been abundant that they were finally over the spectre that has haunted their dreams for years now. You know, the one in which Celtic have a superior footballing side and their own team always fail to deliver when the going gets tough and the business end of the season really begins to raise the pressure levels for those competing for the top prizes in Scottish football?

Yes, that one.

Hey you with the sad face…John Lundstram of Rangers after the Scottish Premiership match between Dundee and theRangers at Dens Park on April 17, 2024. (Photo by Ian MacNicol/Getty Images)

That false bravado and lack of humility never fails to land them in soappy bubble whenever winning trophies is concerned – particularly the League title. We’ve all had to listen to the monotonous droning about how Clement was the man to change everything, just as Beale was before him and Ange was scared, like wee Gio was the one who “gets it”, and how Gerrard would create a dynasty after that fluke of a season during the global pandemic.

Those same players who have let them down are still in situ and when things are going well and they are beating teams with numerous dodgy decisions, all is rosy in the Ibrox garden. However, when reality kicks in and they realise it is the same group of players largely that have failed whenever they have been asked to step it up once in a while and failed to find the courage required, all Hell breaks loose and they can be heard in total meltdown on the airwaves and social media too.

Have a listen…

Poor Sammy.

Paul Gillespie

About Author

I'm a Garngad Bhoy through and through. My first ever Celtic game was a friendly against Italian side Parma at Celtic Park, in 2002. Currently a student of English Literature and Education at the University of Strathclyde for my sins. Favourite game would be a toss up between beating Manchester United with that Naka freekick, or the game against the Oldco when Hesselink scored in the dying seconds. I'm still convinced Cal Mac is wasted playing that far back.

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