Brendan working his magic with Liel Abada…

Liel Abada Celtic, JULY 19, 2023 – Football / Soccer : Friendly match between Yokohama F.Marinos 6-4 Celtic FC at Nissan Stadium in Kanagawa, Japan.

The Brendan Rodgers effect seems to have rubbed off on liel Abada as the Israeli looks like staying put for the next season at least, after rumblings of him seeking pastures new.

Brendan explained that he had a sit down with the player and told him his expectations and that he wanted him to stay, and it seems to have done the trick with Liel committing his future to the club for another season at least.

Brendan remarked how impressed he was with Liel and that isn’t a surprise as he’s a tremendous player. Maybe he lacks in consistency but you’ve got to remember he’s only 21. He has plenty of time for improvement and when he does improve he will be one helluva player.

Under Brendan he will definitely get that chance, and it’s up to him to take it. I think he will and he will be an important player for us this season. Let’s hope so. Here’s what Brendan has had to say about Liel Abada, as reported by Football Scotland.

Liel Abada Celtic, JULY 19, 2023 – Football / Soccer : Friendly match between Yokohama F.Marinos 6-4 Celtic FC at Nissan Stadium in Kanagawa, Japan.

“We had a nice conversation, a really open conversation, when I came in. He sat in the office and I just wanted to know what his ambitions were and what he wanted to achieve. He is very keen and he really wants to be here to improve. But he also understands there needs to be competition when you are at a top club. That pushes you.

“Overall I like his game when I was watching from afar. I like his runs and he has a real killer instinct in front of goal. You don’t get that many goals unless you want to score – which I love. There are other areas we can look at to help him get to another level.

“I like him. I like his qualities. He wants to run in behind, his goal scoring record is incredible for a winger. That’s what you want – someone who can create and score goals.

Liel Abada Celtic, JULY 19, 2023 – Football / Soccer : Friendly match between Yokohama F.Marinos 6-4 Celtic FC at Nissan Stadium in Kanagawa, Japan.

“His pressing could be better, he could be more aggressive. But he’s a real threat. I like him as a guy. I always like to get to know the players so I can understand what their motivations and ambitions are.

“He wants to improve. He’s still only 21 with a lot of development left. I like wingers and he’s a very effective one. He’s quite a quiet lad. He’s got a similar mentality to Nir Bitton, who is a lovely big guy, really gentle.

“But he wanted to do well and Liel is the same. He’s likes to communicate so we’ve spoken a number of times. He knows where he can be better and where he can improve. And he will improve.”

Just an Ordinary Bhoy

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