Brendan played a blinder, ‘disrespectful’ Clement takes the bait

Philippe Clement is an easy guy to read. You just knew the big Belgian would have something to say regarding Brendan Rodgers tongue in cheek comments on Saturday after Celtic’s 3-0 win over Hearts.

Right on cue big Belgian waffled a few choice words aimed in Brendan’s direction after his side’s win over ten-man Kilmarnock yesterday at Ibrox.

Ross County interim manager Don Cowie looks towards Rangers manager Philippe Clement as the final whistle sounds. Clement did not shake hands with Cowie at full-time Photo Stuart Wallace/Shutterstock

Clement reckons that Brendan was being ‘disrespectful’ to his side by suggesting we would be having a bit of fun this coming Saturday when the Belgian brings his Galacticos to Paradise. Ironically Brendan didn’t literally mention his side by name, or for that matter suggest he was referring to Phil’s side.

Brendan was merely saying that his side where in a good place mentally and jokingly said they were ready for ‘a bit of fun’ the fun being the pressure of a Glasgow Derby match played in front of the watching millions on television and the sixty thousand spectators in attendance who will be expecting a victory.

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Ross County interim manager Don Cowie looks towards Rangers manager Philippe Clement as the final whistle sounds. Clement did not shake hands with Cowie at full-time Photo Stuart Wallace/Shutterstock

Watch the scenes at the end of the recent Glasgow Derby where theRangers grabbed a late equaliser to steal a point with a 3-3 draw. Having lost the lead in the closing stages, Rodgers could have been forgiven for having a stern look on his face.

Instead he was grinning from ear to ear being able to appreciate a good game of football even in that intense atmosphere where the stakes were sky-high. Brendan had fun at Ibrox and he’s planning on doing the same again on Saturday.

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Ross County interim manager Don Cowie looks towards Rangers manager Philippe Clement as the final whistle sounds. Clement did not shake hands with Cowie at full-time Photo Stuart Wallace/Shutterstock

Clement reckons Brendan’s ‘fun’ comment was disrespectful and claimed that he’s never disrespect an opponent in that manner. That just a week or two after he walked down the tunnel in Dingwall without stopping to shake Don Cowie’s hand after the Ross County manager’s side had beaten a Rangers side for the first time ever in their history.

There’s disrespect, Phil right there. Yeah you realised your mistake later and tried resorted to damage limitation but the fact remains that you disrespected your opponent in Dingwall. Lest you forget.

Ross County interim manager Don Cowie looks towards Rangers manager Philippe Clement as the final whistle sounds. Clement did not shake hands with Cowie at full-time Photo Stuart Wallace/Shutterstock

However hanks to a couple of misleading headlines in the Sunday papers and big Phil’s misunderstanding of the situation, he’s made himself look like an utter fool by flipping his lid over a nothing situation.

Brendan no doubt will have been sitting with his feet up with a wry smile across his face watching his adversary implode over such a tongue in cheek comment.

In games such as Saturday the battle is sometimes played off the park, and Brendan has played a blinder.

Just an Ordinary Bhoy

About Author

An ordinary everyday Celtic supporters hailing and still residing in Govan in the shadows of the enemy. I’m a season ticket holder. I Witnessed my first Celtic game in 1988 and have attended when I can ever since. Growing up in the 90s I witnessed Celtic at their lowest, and now appreciate the historic success we enjoy today. I enjoy writing about this wonderful football club and hopefully will continue to do so. I’ve always been a keen writer and initially started this a hobby. My ambition is to one day become as good an author as my fellow Celtic Star colleagues.

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