Brendan Rodgers is an elite manager, he needs to be backed

Brendan is an elite manager. He needs to be backed like an elite manager. If not there may be trouble ahead…

It’s been rumoured that Brendan Rodgers has asked the money men to get him the quality he desires, as he craves a quality over quantity approach at Celtic. That will mean clearing the decks of the deadwood and replacing them with quality first team ready players, in turn trimming the size of the squad.

It’s not a secret that Brendan likes to work with a smaller squad, and one that is full of quality players to call upon. He wants to structure a side who not only fit into his footballing philosophy, but a side who can meet his demands, expectations and aspirations.

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We saw on several occasions last season that too many players were not comfortable with Brendan’s instructions, and despite ending the season as double winners it’s quite obvious that we are in dire need of an injection of quality, especially if we are to improve our current standing in European football.

Brendan is an elite manager and proved that beyond reasonable doubt last season. He was probably the single most important reason we managed to turn the season around to end up as Champions and Scottish Cup winners.  In doing so he has united the Celtic support behind him as the lingering aftermath of his 2019 departure for Leicester City has now faded away.

Celtic are very fortunate indeed to have an elite Manager like Brendan and like all elite managers he requires quality players to fulfil his ambitions. It’s time for those in charge to back him in his quest if they have any sort of ambition for our club.

There is no reason to assume that this will not be the case this season. The early part of the plan appears to be playing out with players deemed surplus to requirements being shipped out or in the process of leaving Lennoxtown.  John Kennedy has been the only  inside voice and he talked on Thursday about many conversations being had to bring in the new signings, with results expected within the next few weeks.

Brendan deserves the full support of the Celtic board and the supporters deserve it too. For whatever the reason they couldn’t get their deals done in the January window and we lucky that Brendan’s one and only choice so far – Adam Idah – did so much to turn the season around in his short loan deal at the club.

If we ship out half a dozen decent players from the squad and end up with excuses again then the Celtic manager and the Celtic support will not be at all happy.

Just an Ordinary Bhoy

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About Author

An ordinary everyday Celtic supporters hailing and still residing in Govan in the shadows of the enemy. I’m a season ticket holder. I Witnessed my first Celtic game in 1988 and have attended when I can ever since. Growing up in the 90s I witnessed Celtic at their lowest, and now appreciate the historic success we enjoy today. I enjoy writing about this wonderful football club and hopefully will continue to do so. I’ve always been a keen writer and initially started this a hobby. My ambition is to one day become as good an author as my fellow Celtic Star colleagues.

1 Comment

  1. Not so sure about giving Rodgers the elite manager tag, as it only really applies to Scottish football imo?
    The elite manager tag, I believe goes to managers that can showcase their talents upon the biggest stage of European football within the CL imo?
    So Rodgers has got someway to go yet, for such a elite manager tag can be applied to himself, or of course it can be applied if we are going to stick at Scottish dominance level?
    I was in favour of Rodgers returning, as actually thought he could change the structure within the club, at all levels also, that had remained idle for way to long imo?
    Change takes time to be achieved, and actually believe Rodgers has done better in that regards last season, more so than the success he eventually gained for ourselves imo?
    Make no doubts about it, Rodgers actually took on a far bigger job with ourselves, than he first visioned, I believe, and still has some way to go before being achieved to his liking also imo?
    As a support, we can tend to only focus upon the success of our 1st team and the players who contribute so hugely to achieve such success imo?
    I still believe Rodgers is trying to change that mindset within our club, with focus really starting to turn to the bigger picture of CL?
    Would say, it still remains his biggest ambition for our club, and as yet Rodgers hasn’t been able to make his mark at that level to date?
    What tends to go unnoticed for ourselves, is the impact the 8 homegrown rule has upon ourselves, especially when you consider that it takes up a third of our squad places available within CL?
    For example, just how many teams next season within the CL, actually struggle to comply with that rule, in making up that quota within there squads, in the manner that we have continued to do so, for so long also?
    Ange had no interest whatsoever, as was confirmed by the game time, he gave to our Scottish players in general imo?
    Rodgers has identified a huge problem within our club, and has already made massive strides in trying to resolve the problem in hand for ourselves?
    Looking like it might be unsuccessful in regards of vata, but still believe that he is getting badly advised, and maybe an attitude of thinking he’s already better than he really is imo?
    Possibly not a youngster that Rodgers is prepared to waste his time upon, if such problems exist within him in the learning process of learning his trade also?
    Yet, it hasn’t been plane sailing for Rodgers last season either?
    The overall squad needed restructuring to a bigger degree than he first imagined, especially when we saw last season, just how important it remains to have squad depth in place, to tackle injuries and putting rotation in place, to keep a squad fresher for the back end of the season, when the trophies are handed out?
    Worked out well in the end last season, even if it wasn’t the way that Rodgers had planned and wanted it to play out imo?
    Rodgers has a character within him, that many can’t relay to, and struggle to apply forgiveness towards him, for being pushed out of the club 1st time around imo?
    Personally didn’t bother myself, but like many can question his playing style and tactical approach taken at times?
    Biggest gripe for myself regarding Rodgers last season, was the failure on to many times, in getting established treble winning players to actually preform to the levels, we know that they were capable of producing?
    Got that right in the end, but still think that was more down to Rodgers changing his approach to the adjustments he was trying to introduce, that were struggling to be applied and delivered within games?
    Can’t vision seeing that being an aspect of concern next season, with so many players, far more use to Rodgers methods now.
    Also in a much better position to identify the type of players he wants to fit into the overall structure of the squad, far better than where we were last season imo?
    Still believe Rodgers is only getting started on the overall structure of changes within our club, that when eventually completed will have ourselves in a much stronger position regarding our structure, that keeps ourselves moving forward to where he intends to want to take ourselves?
    That would mean that guaranteed success still has to be achieved within Scottish football, and keeping that elite manager intact?
    Yet he still has the ambition to increase that elite manager tag, by implying and growing that within the biggest stage of the CL also?
    Would like to think that the board actually share the same vision of Rodgers, or will keeping the scum relevant take preference still?
    Believe the majority of our support, do share the vision of Rodgers now, and still believe that the board will follow suit, but you can never be overly confident that they will do so?
    Rodgers still has a fair amount of pressure applied within his job, which always applies within a big club with huge demands?
    And that is going to become more relevant over the summer with incoming players and the impact they will have upon the team and within our overall squad?
    Still some amount of work to be done yet, and the time factor is starting to become of greater concern at present for ourselves?
    Not expecting for all the work to be completed over the summer, in changing the overall structure of the squad totally completed, but still expect our squad to have a far stronger overall look about it, than last season all the same?
    Really looking forward to the challenges ahead within the CL next season, especially with the new format possibly suiting ourselves far better imo?
    The overall squad will have to be far stronger also, to match the increasing demands also within games?
    There won’t be any real easy periods involved next season, especially if you consider how these CL games are going to impact upon SPFL matches, as no longer do we operate in a game where the same individual players can be expected to play nearly every minute of every game either nowadays?
    Would like to think that the elite manager tag can be applied more freely regarding Rodgers next season, and getting far more success at CL level imo?
    But I’m only a supporter of the club, that involves supporting decisions that might not be to my own liking, and Rodgers can certainly help to make the whole process involved far easier for ourselves?
    That’s what a real elite manager is capable of doing for a club, and nothing to suggest that Rodgers can’t achieve his ambition with ourselves at present imo?