JOHN HARTSON has offered to help Leigh Griffiths in any way that he can.

“This is not about Leigh Griffiths football,” Hartson stated.

“This is more for Leigh’s peace of mind and the rest of his life, if I can be of any help or guidance for Leigh then I’m prepared to help in any way. Celtic as a club know this.”

Hartson has come through personal problems himself and has come out the other side. He has also had his major health scares and has been able to beat those too. He also knows all about the pressures of playing as a Celtic striker.

The fact that he’s been there and perhaps knows what Leigh is going through makes him an ideal mentor for Leigh, who is receiving overwhelming support from the Celtic support, as some of the tweets below illustrate.

Here’s Big Bad John’s message. He’s got no hair but he does care…