Celtic star involved in bust up with bitter Ross County striker after 6-0 victory

There’s something very important about being a professional who is able to lose properly. Of course if you end up getting beat 6-0 you should be furious about it, but you have to show some class and congratulate your opponent.

It’s still not completely clear what happened after the game today, but a report from The Scotsman seems to suggest that Brian Graham said something derogatory to Nir bitton after the thumping today.

Brian Graham and Nir Bitton clash after the game.

The story does suggest that the referee took no action at the time, but it will be interesting to see if there’s anything mentioned in his post match report.

It’s not even clear what Graham actually said, but it was enough to rile the Celtic star and forced teammates to step in and separate the two players. Hopefully it was just a moment of bitterness from the County striker and not anything more sinister.

Celtic won the game easily 6-0 with a scintillating display so it wouldn’t be a surprise if Graham was just frustrated after being on the end of a complete thumping. He still needs to learn how to lose with grace and show some class in defeat.


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