REPORTS have claimed that Celtic will be crowned Champions for the 9th season in a row after the other Premiership clubs ‘accepted’ that the 2019/20 season was over.

The Daily Record are reporting that the Premiership clubs reached an unanimous decision to end the league last Friday during a meeting of the division chiefs.

The clubs were also forced to demand that the meetings were edited because Aberdeen, who chaired the meeting, released the minutes stating that it was a consensus as opposed to the categoric unanimous decision that the clubs released.

Rangers, Hearts and Livingston all voted in favour of the Rangers amendment at the EGM on Tuesday; although it is reported that they are resigned to the league season being over which now means that Neil Doncaster will make the decision to confirm Celtic as Champions and relegate Hearts.

The decision would mean that prize money is released in order to ease the financial hardship of some clubs as well as allowing planning for next season to begin.

Celtic were 13 points ahead with 8 games remaining when Coronavirus forced the league to be postponed indefinitely and were on course to complete an astonishing quadruple treble.

The whole Celtic support have been deprived of a chance to celebrate matching the record set by Jock Stein but due to extraordinary circumstances, we have to make a concession and that is the chance to celebrate our latest title.

The likelihood is that 9-in-a-row will be confirmed by a tweet. An unfortunate end to the 2019/20 campaign but it is one that when all is considered, is the only way that it can be celebrated. It is not the fanfare that Celtic deserve for all the work that Neil Lennon and his team have done in the last year.