Celtic wish Yuki Kobayashi a Happy Birthday today

Celtic have wished defender Yuki Kobayashi a Happy Birthday today. The centre-back signed from Vissel Kobe in the January transfer window of this year and it’s fair to say the jury is still out on the Japanese star. Looking assured at first, a ropey display at Ibrox against the Tribute Act has put some supporters on high alert as to his suitability to the Scottish Premiership.

Turning just 23 today though, Kobayashi is one who Brendan Rodgers may just well think he can improve. With time still on his side and plenty of football to be played still, it would be harsh and even foolish to write the big man off just yet. Rodgers’ track-record of getting the very best of players is well-known and he even admitted in a recent interview it is one of his greatest abilities.

Yuki Kobayashi during the Scottish Cup Fourth Round match between Celtic and Morton at Celtic Park on January 21, 2023 (Photo by Ian MacNicol/Getty Images)

If he can improve his physicality, that will be half the battle and Rodgers can help him improve his defensive understanding alongside assistant manager, John Kennedy. Being a rarity as a left-footed central defender, it gives him an edge on others in the squad too as it brings balance – particularly if Rodgers wants to play three at the back in some games.

One to watch I reckon…

Happy Birthday, Yuki!

Paul Gillespie

About Author

I'm a Garngad Bhoy through and through. My first ever Celtic game was a friendly against Italian side Parma at Celtic Park, in 2002. Currently a student of English Literature and Education at the University of Strathclyde for my sins. Favourite game would be a toss up between beating Manchester United with that Naka freekick, or the game against the Oldco when Hesselink scored in the dying seconds. I'm still convinced Cal Mac is wasted playing that far back.

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