Champions League: “There’s no reason why we can’t go and make our mark,” Callum McGregor

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Q: There’s been speculation surrounding a few players potentially leaving. Is that something that has an impact on the squad at all?

Callum McGregor: “It’s something we can’t control, really. As players, we have a good group and even the guys that are linked away are still training and are happy. They’re good people and treat others with respect. That’s all we can ask for as a group of players – that we treat each other with respect – and that when we get onto the training pitch we train as hard as we can to try and give the maximum that we can. Anything else is out of our control, really.”

Q: Have you been impressed with Matt O’Riley’s attitude? It has rumbled on for a few weeks. He’s looked seamless on the pitch.

Callum McGregor: “Exactly, and credit to him as well because a lot of chat cannot be easy. The group are trying to help him with that as well and give him the same environment to help him grow and play. Each day that he is here, we’re happy to have him here and want him here. He’s responded to it all fantastically well. Until that changes – if it does – then I’m sure he’ll keep giving the same and we’ll keep giving him the environment that he loves as well.”

Q: Because the start of the season has been so good, is the hope that whoever the rumours are about that they are here when the window closes in a couple of weeks?

Callum McGregor: “For sure. You want to keep your best players and naturally, they’ll attract attention which happens in football. It shows that you’re doing something right as well, which is good. For the group, staff and players I would imagine we want to keep our best players.”

Q: Do you get involved in that situation? You had a similar thing a few years ago – can you help him using your experience to guide him along the way?

Callum McGregor: “To be honest, he’s been great. I’m here for him if he needs that – I’ve said that to him as well. I don’t want to get involved and try and influence him either way and I don’t want him to think I have an agenda either way. He’s been fantastic for us and I’m here to help him. We’ve had a couple of chats but to be honest he’s been fantastic with the way he’s dealt with it. He’s treated everybody with respect and the way that he’s trained and played has shown that as well. Whatever happens will happen, and he can hold his head high because of the way he’s conducted himself.”

Q: With the great start to the season, it isn’t unfair to say the frustration from supporters has been the lack of transfers into the club. What would be your message to those fans who are getting a little bit tetchy with a week to go – and want to see the club doing more in the window?

Callum McGregor: “I think everybody wants the club to keep moving forward. The one thing we know about modern-day transfer windows is that it is tough to get business done – especially when everyone sees that you’re cash-rich and prices get inflated. It’s just patience and we’ve got to trust the guys upstairs to make the right calls to make the business happen that everybody wants to happen. As players, we don’t get involved too much. We try and train as hard as we can and when we come to the pitch we try to give the supporters what they want.”

Continued on the next page…

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About Author

The Celtic Star founder and editor David Faulds has edited numerous Celtic books over the past decade or so including several from Lisbon Lions, Willie Wallace, Tommy Gemmell and Jim Craig. Earliest Celtic memories include a win over East Fife at Celtic Park and the 4-1 League Cup loss to Partick Thistle as a 6 year old. Best game? Easy 4-2, 1979 when Ten Men Won the League. Email


  1. Martin Blackshaw on

    We’ll make our mark all right – as one of the worst teams in the competition! Celtic are nowhere near the quality they must be to compete at that level, especially now that the greedy Board has sold our prize asset.

  2. This window is an utter disgrace. No disrespect to Calmac but he knows, the manager knows, we know and the board certainly know, we have no chance of making an impact without the “quality” that’s been required since Ang left. This board aren’t fit for purpose. They also know through the home ticket scheme they have most of the £200 a head money already. They have zero ambition and we can look forward to being European also rams