Chris Sutton issues rallying call for Celtic support to get behind Brendan Rodgers

Celtic legend Chris Sutton has issued a rallying call to all Celtic supporters to get behind the latest managerial appointment at the club. It’s come as a shock to many that the man who Celtic have chosen to lead the club once again is the very same man who left mid-way through a vital season some four years ago.

Brendan Rodgers was unequivocally one of the greatest managers in Celtic’s long and illustrious history and the manner in which he departed the first time around was unbecoming behaviour for a Celt – of that nobody can contest. The timing and choosing of the club he left Glasgow’s East End for were remarkably disappointing for us, to put it mildly.

However, the time he spent at the club cannot be categorised as anything other than remarkably successful. He won every available trophy on offer to him during his tenure – that’s seven out of seven! And although I agree towards the end the football did begin to grate and wane a little, you cannot begrudge that football that his team played during his first 18 months or so in charge. I mean that Invincible season was a joy to behold.

If, as is being widely reported, he has been promised a war-chest and assurances that Mr Lawwell – or anybody for that matter – will not interfere with matters concerning the footballing side of the business, then things should be very interesting to watch unfold and develop this time around. There were glimpses last time out of what a Rodgers Celtic team could be, even on the continent, but he needs to be aided and left to his own devices to mould and shape that team and squad for it to come to fruition this time.

If it all falls into place as has been duly promised by our current custodians, the blue room will remain bare. He had their number last time and he will have it this time as he’s up against the same individual who was the apparent brains of the Gerrard dream team (not saying much when you think about how dim Gerrard is). They won once and we were well off the pace that day and up against a homer in the honourable John Beaton of Bellshill boozer fame.

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Chris Sutton has called upon the Celtic supporters to get behind the new boss and strive to make Celtic the best it can be. Instead of looking back, let’s look forward now. It is absolutely imperative we all pull together and give them nothing to throw at us or whisper and snigger about. We should listen to a legend’s wise words…

“Good luck to Brendan Rodgers going back to Celtic. He left previously under a cloud but no doubting his ability as a coach and his record last time round was phenomenal. It’s important regardless of how Celtic fans felt with his previous departure that everyone gets behind him,” Chris Sutton

Paul Gillespie

READ THIS…You traded mediocrity for immortality – Never a fraud, always a Celt

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About Author

I'm a Garngad Bhoy through and through. My first ever Celtic game was a friendly against Italian side Parma at Celtic Park, in 2002. Currently a student of English Literature and Education at the University of Strathclyde for my sins. Favourite game would be a toss up between beating Manchester United with that Naka freekick, or the game against the Oldco when Hesselink scored in the dying seconds. I'm still convinced Cal Mac is wasted playing that far back.


  1. Peter cassidy on

    We look forward not back we give Brendan our full support we all make mistakes in life .

  2. Sean McGinley on

    I wish I could be positive. But it happened again with Postecoglou and unless its a genuine died in the wool Tim in the hotseat, I will expect them to f off at the first sight of the Klondike. I for one, will never trust a football manager and will always expect his last result to be his last game.
    P.S. Is Brendan still manager ?
    However, that won’t stop me supporting Celtic and I don’t think we should help the new club by undermining our manager of the day. So, upwards and onwards.