Class of 1967, the Celtic stars just before leaving for Lisbon

“The executioner of Inter, the man who smashed their defensive screen.”
L’Equipe journalist Jean Cornu

“Now Clark to Murdoch… in comes Craig… Gemmell… HE’S SCORED! A great goal… He’s done it!” Kenneth Wolstenholme (commentator) the European Cup goal by Tommy Gemmell.

“And that’s the goal that wins it for Celtic as Inter have to come out…” Kenneth Wolstenholme (commentator) on the European Cup goal by Tommy Gemmell.

“It just shows you – you do things the wrong way but they turn out correct.” Tommy Gemmell on scoring in the ’67 EC Cup Final.

“Probably his most famous goal was the equaliser in the European Cup Final, although with great modesty might I point out that he received such a perfect pass along the 18-yard line that his granny could have knocked that one in.” Jim Craig, from his euolgoy at the funeral of Tommy Gemmell.

“The Gemmell all-action reel would feature prominently a kick up the bahookie of Helmut Haller and a goal in the European Cup that came from a shot so thunderous it should have been followed by a shower of rain.” Hugh McDonald on Tommy’s world class shooting prowess.

Martin O’Neill: “I loved your goal in the European Cup final.” Tommy Gemmell: “Which one?”

“Ultimately the element that impressed most profoundly was the massive heart of this Celtic side. Nothing symbolised it more vividly than the incredible display of Gemmell. He was almost on his knees with fatigue before scoring that thunderous equaliser in the 63rd minute but somehow his courage forced him to go on dredging up the strength to continue with the exhausting runs along the left wing that did more than any other single factor to demoralise Inter.” Hugh McIlvanney on Tommy Gemmell in Lisbon.

Tommy Gemmell, Celtic FC. 17 May 1967  Imago Photo TopFoto (The Celtic Star)

See Billy McNeill on Wednesday 17 May, 1967 on the next page…

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About Author

The Celtic Star founder and editor David Faulds has edited numerous Celtic books over the past decade or so including several from Lisbon Lions, Willie Wallace, Tommy Gemmell and Jim Craig. Earliest Celtic memories include a win over East Fife at Celtic Park and the 4-1 League Cup loss to Partick Thistle as a 6 year old. Best game? Easy 4-2, 1979 when Ten Men Won the League. Email

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