“Top of the League and looking down on the Rangers…!” – we all know the words and now the sopranos and altos can join in, as it were, in appreciation of a very fine game in Airdrie last night.
It is just a pity that there were not more people there to see it, and maybe this is the time when Celtic should think of playing their games at Celtic Park, if there is going to be a League challenge. I can’t believe that it is going to damage the pitch too much, and I do feel that anyone of any gender who is considered worthy of wearing a green and white jersey should be entitled to play on the hallowed ground.
I am aware that statements like “the Ghirls pointed the way for the Bhoys on Sunday” can sound patronising and even chauvinistic, but nevertheless a repeat on Sunday would be great.
The Women’s game is of course worthy of standing on its own two feet, but I must say that I would like to see more evidence of the male players and management showing an example and attending the women’s game in large numbers and vice versa. We are, after all, in this together. The green and white jersey is a very important thing. I understand from our Editor that Fran Alonso is indeed taking his entire squad to Hampden tomorrow to cheer on the Bhoys and for some of the players it will be their first real opportunity to see what Celtic is all about!
Last night’s game showed Fran Alonso’s side at their best. It was not all one way traffic. Indeed theRangers were the better side for most of the first half, but our team stuck to their task and the three goals were splendidly taken, and I was very impressed by Amy Gallacher in particular and of course Caitlin Hayes.
I am surprised that Celtic Women have never won the League. Possibly I shouldn’t be all that surprised because Celtic were slow starters in respect of women’s football. But I understand there is a new book coming out this year about the men who won the League for Celtic for the first time in 1893 (see below). How nice it would be if, 140 years later, Celtic’s Women could do the same.
I invite you to support them in their task.
David Potter
Matthew Marr’s Debut Celtic book – The BOULD BHOYS – ‘Glory to their name’ tells the story of Celtic’s first ever title win. It will be published in this April on Celtic Star Books and will be available on highest quality hardback and also on Amazon Kindle. It is absolutely superb.