We’re told to take a smirking official with a pinch of salt. Can you imagine if it was the other way around?

The fourth official at the League cup semi final between Hearts and theRangers caused a stir yesterday afternoon with his body language after the  latest Ibrox club’s second goal.

David Dickinson, who’s given some controversial calls against ourselves in the past smirked and nodded in approval towards theRangers boss Philippe Clement.

Yes that really happened. In what other country would that be deemed as acceptable? None. That’s the answer. The usual suspects on social media are telling us to shake it off and that we’re paranoid, the usual guff.

But what if it was the other way around? Picture this, Kevin Clancy or Willie Collum turn and smirk at Brendan Rodgers after a Celtic goal, would that be taken with a pinch of salt and laughed off? We know the answer to that one. All hell would break loose. So why should we have to put up with it?

It just further fuels the fire of the so called ‘conspiracy theorists’ not that there is any conspiracy of course as there’s more than enough proof to suggest wrong doing.

There been an ever growing trend of dubious decisions going in the favour of one club. It’s plain to see. Acts like this further prove that something isn’t right. As usual it will be all laughed off. But it certainly ain’t no laughing matter.

Just an Ordinary Bhoy

Matt Corr’s new book Majic, Stan and the King of Japan is out now and Neil Lennon, the Celtic captain that season, has written the foreword for us.

You can get a signed copy of the hardback version direct from Celtic Star Books by clicking on the image below. It’s also available an an e-book via Amazon Kindle and please note that all colour photographs that appear in the beautifully presented printed hardback book are also available in the Kindle version of Majic, Stan and the King of Japan…