The fine Bhoys over on E-Tims this morning were surprised but also rather pleased that The Scottish Sun had picked up on the proposed Resolutions that will now go forward to the forthcoming Celtic Plc AGM. This will be a blow to those who would rather us mere customers make less noise about good corporate governance and other matters which they deem mere supporters of being unworthy. Ideas above our stations and all that.
Still after years of a media black-out on Res12 – The Herald once famously called me to say that they would not accept any advertisement that mentioned Resolution 12 and the Guardian once took £5000 plus VAT from me as a supporter funded pre-payment before deciding that it was actually too hot an issue for them. The money was eventually returned and was donated to Mary’s Meals, although should have been used as a fighting fund for Res 12. Another story that one.
Even Private Eye wouldn’t take the Celtic supporters’ money. One newspaper which didn’t have a problem was the Gevene Tribune, which was kind of handy given the UEFA bosses all have a copy on their desks every morning.

Incidentally this is the same mob that run those Celtic Way/ Rangers Review sites…
But I digress..below is the link to what the Scottish Sun had to say earlier today and remember that even if the mere mention of Res 12 is enough to please E-Tims the resolution that has come through The Celtic Trust via Auldheid’s not inconsiderable efforts is NOT actually about Resolution 12.
Confused? Okay, we get that and a cynic might be thinking that dropping into the mainstream media the idea that it is about Res 12 might actually suit the Celtic Board as they can say this has been dealt with previously and it is now time to look forward.
Celtic fans want ‘Resolution 12’ BACK on agenda despite board’s attempt to end debate last year
— Scottish Sun Sport (@scotsunsport) October 19, 2021
So if the Note of Concern Resolution from The Celtic Trust is NOT about Resolution 12 then what exactly is it about? We can answer that question in detail for you this evening, see below. But before reading this please note that the likes of E-Tims and James Forrest at The Celtic Blog are very likely to make similar points over the next day or two so you’ll have a chance to read their interpretation and perhaps after reading what all three sites have to say you will be better informed and able to take a view.
And watch out for the 5th column sites saying absolutely Sweet FA about this important matter. So here goes…

The Aims of the Note of Concern CST Resolution…
Accountability – its aim is to show Celtic supporters that the Board can be held accountable by the CST representing small shareholders for the unacceptable way, at the 2019 Celtic AGM, the Board handled shareholders’ valid request that UEFA investigate the process under which a UEFA licence for Rangers FC PLC was granted in 2011 by the SFA to the potential cost of Celtic share value.
Restoring Trust – It opens the way for meaningful dialogue between the CST and the current Board by a means to be mutually established, allowing for a new, more positive, relationship between the Celtic Board and Celtic supporters everywhere; both shareholders and non-shareholders.
Veracity – It makes it a matter of record that what Rangers did (and appear to be doing still) was to use moral hazard* to take risks that Celtic and other clubs had to face the consequences of thereby partially excusing the CEO and Board’s behaviour since 2012. This more conciliatory tone should address the external criticism of always being negative towards the Board.
Incompetence/Negligence – Only the cost of legally proving Celtic deliberately lied at 2019 AGM with no guarantee of success stopped a more serious resolution of censure in respect of breach of Director responsibilities to shareholders. This does not mean the Board were not misleading in their replies but even if not deliberately so, nevertheless they were negligent and incompetent in not addressing the shareholders’ concerns and so deserve a Note of Concern to be placed on 2021 AGM record.

Giving Celtic Fans a Say – Adopting some of Recommendations to The English FA by Tracy Crouch in respect of improving communications between clubs and their support, specifically to restore trust, would be a pioneering move in Scotland and worth exploring by Celtic and supporters’ representatives.

What it is not – This proposal is NOT about what the original Resolution 12 was trying to achieve, i.e. SFA reform (an idea encouraged by Peter Lawwell), but about how Celtic misled shareholders thereafter, as those shareholders persisted in asking questions that were never satisfactorily answered.
The Celtic Board will not entertain any resolution regarding the handling of Rangers’ liquidation or subsequent licencing. The majority shareholding will vote against any such proposal, partly due to the involvement of Jeanette Finlay in the Celtic Trust, and partly due to legal concerns about raising actions involving another SPFL/SFA member club. Small shareholders would possibly need to take legal action to show a loss due to the Celtic Boards actions, this would be costly, time consuming and with little chance of success.
Other option would be to increase shareholding in club and press for change from within.