If you have ever ventured outside of your hometown on a matchday then the chances are you have visited the Celtic Bars website. Celticbars.com was launched in July 2001, quickly becoming a comprehensive guide to the locations and contact details of almost every single Celtic supporters club or Celtic friendly bar in the world. Not content with providing an incredible service to the Celtic faithful, Davy, the man whose tireless work over the last 21 years has ensured that fans never miss a game anywhere on the planet, has decided to undertake the ambitious task of documenting the histories of every known CSC.

In a post uploaded to the Celtic Bars twitter page, it was revealed that over 500 CSCs are listed on the website and that once each have had their stories chronicled, the project may be published as a book.

After receiving an overwhelmingly positive response, and consulting some fellow fans about the publication process, Davy confirmed that the project will indeed result in a book being produced. Indeed, over 200 Celtic supporters clubs have been in touch with the author to share tales of their origins, charitable work, club trips/events and much more.

Sure to be an outstanding read, the book is already full of intriguing information and excellent humour; while it will also serve as a vital record for future generations to cherish.

If you would like to have your CSCs story documented, please contact Davy by sending a direct message to the @celticbars twitter page, or via email – celticbars@icloud.com.