Paddy’s Point CSC, La Zenia…

Founded in September 2016, when Rory Lee, owner of Paddy’s Point Bar, and Trisha Doran, secretary of the club, were both on the same train home from Barcelona after having been at the infamous game from the Champions’ League group stage, when Celtic lost 7-0.

After chatting for a while, they got to the subject of starting a CSC, as there were none in the area. Trisha’s husband, Jake, and fellow member Archie Milroy grew up together, and from there, the feelers were put out, connections were made, interest was generated amongst the community, and the club was started.

However, it is worth noting that since 2000, Paddy’s Point has been a Celtic bar and the go-to place for all televised Celtic matches. There was always a palpable atmosphere for Celtic matches, and that’s in part thanks to the fact that Paddy’s Point was the first pub to have Setanta closed-circuit TV, a system to enable people abroad to watch various sports, including Celtic and GAA, which were in high demand.

This was a time before Wi-Fi, smartphones, and streaming, so this was a big deal. Luckily, things have changed over the years. They started with one television in the pub, and now there are 20. In the past 22 years, they have shown every single televised match.

Former Irish professional boxer, Steve Collins is a massive Celtic fan, and he has visited a few times to watch the games. Tony Roper, writer of ‘The Steamie,’ has also called in. Former Celtic players include Alan Thompson, Jackie McNamara Sr. and Andy Lynch.

Their club members and supporters are the heart of the club, and their loyalty and support are what make the atmosphere so electric and the reason people come from near and far to Paddy’s Point to watch Celtic play. There are also the lads working on the rigs, some of whom make a special effort to visit them during their precious time off.

Special mentions go to Rory Lee and Trisha Doran, who put so much of their time and resources into making the club great. Trisha has a smile and a warm welcome for everyone. There’s the late Jimmy Crombie, which so many will fondly remember.

The year he passed, the CSC flag went to Las Vegas, and he was mentioned at the Celtic Convention. Armagh native Gary Kelly brought the flag into the dressing room, and it featured on Celtic TV. Other long-time club members include Gerry McGhee and Archie Milroy. Chic Finnerty and Paul Williams have both moved back to Scotland. Chic loved to dress up as Rab C. Nesbitt. He looked and sounded the part, saucepan in hand, shouting ‘Mary, Doll!’ at the waitresses.

Their most memorable trip would have been to Barcelona in 2006, because that was the year the club was formed. Aside from that, a busload of them also went to Valencia to watch them play in 2019. When Celtic come to Spain, they make the trip to see them play.

The Paddy’s Point CSC flag, however, is extremely well-travelled. Paul Williams, who has since moved back to Scotland, has carried the flag to all matches he goes to, home and away, since 2018. Two months ago, the flag was lost. Whoever found the flag sent it to Paddy’s Point, and it eventually made its way back to Paul to resume its travels.

Charity work and helping others have always been important to the CSC. There has been funding for those affected by the pandemic and for victims of the floods that hit the area a few years ago. Most recently, they have been raising funds for little Jamie, the grandson of long-time club member Stevie Tierney, to undergo life-changing treatment in America for his condition, Duchenne Muscular dystrophy, a genetic disorder characterised by the progressive loss of muscle.

An extract from Football Without Fans – The History of Celtic Supporters Clubs by David McIntyre (Celtic Bars). Football Without Fans – The History of Celtic Supporters Clubs is out now and available in print and kindle versions HERE.

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