Today is most likely the day that Brendan Rodgers will be officially announced as the manager of Celtic football club for a second time. Supporters of a nervous disposition can rest easy now knowing this isn’t an Eddie Howe part 2 scenario. All that worrying for nothing eh?

Animosity has now eased towards Brendan after the way he left previously. He still has some making up to do, but if he is in anyway as successful as his first spell, all will be forgotten.

It’s reportedly a long term deal that Brendan has penned, presumably a four or five year one, and that is a sensible move in the clubs part, considering the way things panned out last time. But we should remember that there are always to sides to a story like that and it’s always been clear that Rodgers had good reason to be unhappy with the way things were going at Celtic in the months  before his decision to leave.

In 2019 Rodgers took all of the blame, more than his fair share as others came out of it smelling of roses with a big compo cheque from Leicester as the icing on their cake. Smiles and backslapping all round from his wee lieutenants in the  faded and diminished old fan media,  who this time last week were running with anti-Rodgers briefings for their beloved master.

Brendan is apparently on a more handsome salary than last time, and that wasn’t peanuts. His transfer budget is also said to be generous, and I can believe so or Brendan wouldn’t be committing himself long term. He’s obviously sought assurance from Dermot Desmond himself and his terms have been met, that is very promising indeed.

He will be working with Michael Nicholson as CEO and will have direct access to Dermot Desmond so as far as the behind the scenes friction last time around it’s a case of ‘he who laughs last laughs the longest’ and today it will be Brendan Rodgers with a big smile on his face.

Lots of tweets will be getting deleted as we speak! But Brendan has decided to come back and we will have to give him the opportunity to make amends for his untimely departure four years ago. Exciting times are ahead.

So it is time to let bygones be bygones and that means everyone from the Chairman down to the ordinary supporter like you and me.

JustAnOrdinaryBhoy – follow on Twitter @ordinarybhoy

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