Frustrating Friday hopefully sets up Celtic’s Happy Monday

Celtic supporters were expecting a Good Friday, now all hopes are pinned on a Happy Monday…

Thunder roared and lightning flashed across Glasgow yesterday evening as the clouds broke unleashing a monsoon of rain, paving the way for clearer air and allowing us to cool down after weeks of intense heat.

The storms might have cleared outside, but in the land of social media they are still raging on. I mean of course  in the case of Brendan Rodgers and his imminent homecoming. . It’s been pretty well documented that our former Invincible treble winning manager will be soon returning to Celtic Park to lead us through a new chapter, but for some in our support, their patience is wearing thinner than Paul McGowans hairline. And Matt Corr has already been briefed by The Celtic Star Editor to prepare of Invincible II – The Sensational Sequel, which will be an even bigger blockbuster that the first time around!

Matt Corr with his debut Celtic book, Invincible
Invincible author Matt Corr promises to write the sequel if Brendan Rodgers does it again!

Frustrating Friday was meant to be the day that Brendan was being announced as the manager of Celtic football club. Says who? Oh that’s right it was a Twitter rumour, it must have been true. Give yourself a slap for god sake, these ‘ITK’ folk know zilch, they are clueless and the folk who listen to them are just giving them the oxygen they crave.

This has led to a bit of a meltdown on social media with many folk preparing for the worst after allowing themselves to believe that Friday was B-Day when Brendan would be unveiled. They will be now pinning their hopes on Monday being that day.

The only people who know when the next manager will be announced is the hierarchy at Celtic, and the manager himself, no one else. Not the media, your taxi driver, some guy in the pub or some random Twitter account.

These things take time and a lot of hard work goes into such deals. It could well take another full week to complete. I’d advise all the worriers in our support to calm down and get on with their lives. Trust the process, it will work out in the end.

Enjoy your weekend and there’s always a Happy Monday to look forward to is there not?

JustAnOrdinaryBhoy – follow on Twitter @ordinarybhoy

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The Celtic Star’s book promotion has been so successful, with hundreds of books at great prices being posted to Celtic fans all over the world, that we’ve decided to continue with the sale until the end of July. We’ve reduced all six books currently available from their usual retail price of £20 and prices are as low as £6 (see below).

All books are high quality hardback, with some signed by the author. And it’s also worth noting that you only pay postage on one book, so it’s free for the second, third and so on. ORDER HERE or click on The Celtic Star image above…this is how it feels to be Celtic!

About Author

An ordinary everyday Celtic supporters hailing and still residing in Govan in the shadows of the enemy. I’m a season ticket holder. I Witnessed my first Celtic game in 1988 and have attended when I can ever since. Growing up in the 90s I witnessed Celtic at their lowest, and now appreciate the historic success we enjoy today. I enjoy writing about this wonderful football club and hopefully will continue to do so. I’ve always been a keen writer and initially started this a hobby. My ambition is to one day become as good an author as my fellow Celtic Star colleagues.

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