“Goosebumps everytime” Video – Celtic’s last minute winners, “Hairs on the back of my neck”

There was a time when going to see Scotland at Hampden, or watching away matches on the television were major highlights in the season – and sometimes we even won. For this of a certain vintage, the World Cup qualification games against Czechoslovakia and the win against Wales at Anfield when King Kenny headed Scotland all the way to Argentina were such occasions.

The Celtic support’s love affair with the Scotland national team has long since wained and for those with the stamina to have sat through that 0-0 after extra-time with Israel last night we thought you’re deserving of something to uplift your footballing spirits this morning – so here it is, Celtic and the love of a last minute winner.

For those Hoops fans who have already seen it the memories have been flooding back…

“Big Tam”…

“Goosebumps everytime”…

“The joys of “Henry, Henry Drop The Ball!” come flooding back”…

“The joys of “Henry Henry Drop The Ball!” come flooding back”…

Sit back and enjoy!

“Great video our centenary year Scottish Cup final is another better missed and I might be stretching the “last minute win” a bit but the day WGS came back from 2 down at Tynecastle on new years day”…

“Big Tam Rogic featuring heavily there.C’mon Tam, give us another vintage season”…

“Love watching the Celtic fans celebrating a goal, absolute madness”…

“Fantastic. To see those crowds erupting is something else”…

“Top 3 – Rogic Invincible Treble, Edouard v Hearts, Rogic v Kilmarnock. Brown v Kilmarnock needs added to video”…

“Cracking but so many games missing. McManus at Tyncastle, Miller and Presley at Inverness are 2 aff the tap ae ma heed but I love this”…

“All amazing but apart from Big Jan’s goal, I loved Donati’s goal. We went from being out the Champions League to going through”…

“Hairs on the back of my neck”…

About Author

The Celtic Star founder and editor David Faulds has edited numerous Celtic books over the past decade or so including several from Lisbon Lions, Willie Wallace, Tommy Gemmell and Jim Craig. Earliest Celtic memories include a win over East Fife at Celtic Park and the 4-1 League Cup loss to Partick Thistle as a 6 year old. Best game? Easy 4-2, 1979 when Ten Men Won the League. Email editor@thecelticstar.co.uk

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