In recent articles we have conveyed information about the The Celtic Trust’s proposal for fans to be compensated for purchasing full price season tickets by being given shares in the club. The idea is that the club can then keep the money, which is much needed in the current financial climate, whilst fans are repaid in a way that ultimately helps to give The Trust a greater voice on the support’s behalf.

In addition to reporting about this scheme, we translated the minutes of Celtic Shared’s first meeting and revealed that the group explicitly backs The Celtic Trust’s suggestion that fans be repaid in shares. Celtic Shared is a group that was established by the Green Brigade, but invites the wider support to join them in their efforts to give fans a collective voice.

READ: Celtic Shared Meeting Outlines The Group’s Aims & Invites Supporters To Get Involved

Today, the Green Brigade have unveiled a banner outside of Celtic Park, along with a supporting statement. Images of both were uploaded to the group’s Twitter account this afternoon. The banner read: “Repay The Fans, Shares For Value.”

The North Curve Celtic page also retweeted the following post from The Celtic Trust:

It will be interesting to see how the club respond to this notion. Celtic promised supporters added value for supporter’s loyalty this season and it remains to be seen whether repayment in shares is an idea that satisfies both the board and the Celtic support at large.