Green Brigade’s ‘Fly the Flag for Palestine’ update ahead of Celtic v Atletico Madrid

The Green Brigade have issued a further communique regarding their planned demonstration of support for the besieged Palestinian people at the UEFA Champions League match on Wednesday 25 October at Celtic Park.

The Green Brigade plan to fly Palestinian flags at the match and are calling on the wider Celtic support to do likewise. They state: “We are asking the Celtic support to remain true to the founding ethos of the club and to stand on the side of the oppressed.”

And they end their latest update by hinting that supporters wishing to participate in this show of solidarity for a people currently under bombardment from the frightening might of the Israeli military, may face “obstruction (presumably we’re guessing from Celtic?) against this perfectly legal and entirely justified act of basic humanitarian solidarity.”

The full communique from the Green Brigade is shown below. The Champions League match on Wednesday evening will have a capacity crowd of 60,000 inside Celtic Park and will attract a huge worldwide audience not only for the football but for the planned Palestine flag demonstration among the Celtic support.

This may well mean UEFA getting involved with their ‘no politics in football’ approach but that was quickly forgotten and cast aside when they themselves wished to show support for Ukraine.

After the Green Brigade banner at Celtic Park ahead of the match against Kilmarnock, Celtic issued a statement but have not commented further. It’s fair to say that opinions have been strong and sincerely held on both sides of the debate that has taken place among Celtic supporters and it’s probably fair to say that both the banner and the Celtic statement could and should have been worded better.

That’s old news now as the terrible events unfold and the death count mounts with no end in sight. In the meantime we could all say a prayer with the Holy Father Pope Francis for the Palestinian people.

About Author

The Celtic Star founder and editor David Faulds has edited numerous Celtic books over the past decade or so including several from Lisbon Lions, Willie Wallace, Tommy Gemmell and Jim Craig. Earliest Celtic memories include a win over East Fife at Celtic Park and the 4-1 League Cup loss to Partick Thistle as a 6 year old. Best game? Easy 4-2, 1979 when Ten Men Won the League. Email


  1. Over the past week the Madrid match has turned into a battle between weather its going to be a political event or a football match on display?
    The GB have made there intentions clearly on the subject in hand now.
    I fail to see how the board can do anything else but to close down the section of the GB for the Madrid match imo.
    I’ve long suspected that the GB are nothing more than trying to be a militant political organisation that uses Celtic football club to suit there own agenda?
    Don’t believe that is the case for the majority of the Celtic support and maybe the time has come for the likes to be banned from Celtic Park?
    Celtic has to remain as a football club as anything outside of that is unacceptable imo

    • I would not have much in common with them in a political sense, but I believe they are entitled to show their support for the people of Gaza, and should be allowed to do so. Football is a very powerful way of getting a message out, it is global. People should have a think about what is really going on here, would our board have a problem if the call was to bring Israeli flags ? or would any of the criminals in our own government and rancid media have a problem with that ? doubt it. The day we let scum like those dictate to us what is right or wrong is the day we should pack it in.

      • Ditch these clowns now. We don’t need them. Their seats will soon be snapped up. Why they have decided to champion the Palestinian cause god knows. Of course there will be casualties and displaced persons on both sides but Hamas have brought it down on their own people. Terrorists have no place in our thoughts rather we should be focusing on the humanitarian crisis.
        Most of the Green brigade as they have christened themselves would suit themselves if they got within 10 miles of the fighting.

      • Brian McKinlay on

        Spot on buddy!!!🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸

  2. Anthony Martin on

    Celtic were founded to help the poor and oppressed people and to put food on the table. Through the years, even before the GB were thought of, the supporters were know to be sympathetic to people across the globe suffering injustices. We should be proud that we have amongst us, supporters who care about others who are denied their human rights and treated abysmally by more powerful forces.
    If Celtic heed some of the messages to curtail or even ban the GB then I think other supporters, including myself, will hand in their ST and walk away.
    As a Celtic fan for over sixty years that would break my heart but, in all honesty, I couldn’t turn a blind eye to such draconian measures when all they’re guilty of is showing support to an oppressed people who are being treated like animals by an enemy who do not care about human rights.

  3. Please don’t, GB, you’re not going to beat UEFA nor make them see hypocrisy in showing support for one cause but not another, all you’re going to do is hurt the club & in turn hurt yourselves & the wider support!

    Why not do a march to the stadium instead, film it, put it on all social media platforms, livestream it and then maybe do a silent protest in the ground for spells throughout the match if you feel you need to, to make yourselves & your cause heard in more subtle but equally attention grabbing ways?

    Support the team in the stadium

  4. The issues mentioned are used in the wrong way by the green brigade, Hamaas from Palestine crossed into Israel and murdered hundreds of innocents.
    These issues are nothing to do with Celtic, only the ignorance of a bunch of trouble making kid on football fans think this is a way to support their team.
    Ban and refund every ticket from the green brigade, Celtic do not need any type of fan that will create sanctions from Euefa.
    Play football.
    Support football.
    Support the players.
    Support the club.
    We have a player who is affected by these issues abroad, we don’t need a bunch of thicko making his situation even more emotional.
    BAN THE GREEN BRIGADE, they are not required.