Green Brigade’s Statement, plus Celtic fan media reporting

The Green Brigade Statement, issued on Wednesday afternoon, 1st November, hasn’t yet been featured on The Celtic Star because it was posted after I left for the game. So that it’s on the record on The Celtic Star we feature the Green Brigade’s statement below in full, only choosing not to publish the email addresses of the various Celtic officials mentioned in the statement.

We also have some thoughts on the role of the Celtic fan media as it’s mentioned in this statement and end with a window of opportunity for a resolution that everyone can live with so that we can all get back to supporting the team.

Celtic v St Mirren – cinch Premiership – Celtic Park A fan in the stands holds a Palestine flag ahead of the cinch Premiership match at Celtic Park,  Wednesday November 1, 2023. Photo Andrew Milligan

Green Brigade Statement, 01/11/23

In recent weeks, Celtic supporters have proudly stood in solidarity with the Palestinian people, while the PLC board adopt a position closer to the far-right British Government, with similar attempts to censor and sanction Palestinian solidarity. As the death toll in Gaza nears 10,000, including almost 4,000 children – the PLC board have shamed Celtic Football Club with their conduct.

It is undeniable that the sanctions imposed against those affiliated with the Green Brigade are a result of the group’s unapologetic solidarity with Palestine. The sanctions applied, most notably collective bans, are evidently unfair; bereft of policy, process and communication with individuals wrongfully being punished before receiving any allegation, any evidence nor any right of defence.

While we expect any fair-minded person will see through the flimsy litany of allegations (shamefully attempting to use fan media and national press to do bidding on their behalf) there are some which we would like to address.

As an ultras group, known for boisterous support and creativity, we occasionally breach the assorted regulations which are in place to sterilise football stadiums. Whether it be an anti-fascist banner against Lazio or Palestine flags against Atletico Madrid, we have no regrets in by-passing stadium security checks to produce displays which are clearly welcomed by the Celtic support as well as audiences from much farther afield.

22nd October 2023 Tynecastle Park, Edinburgh, Scotland Scottish Premiership Football, Hearts versus Celtic A Celtic fan holding Palestine flags. ActionPlus  Vagelis Georgariou

We categorically deny sinister and defamatory allegations of “breaking in” and “intimidating,
threatening and abusive behaviour towards staff.” It is laughable that “unsafe behaviour” is being alleged of the Green Brigade at Saturday’s match at Hibernian, given Celtic officials were complicit in the widely-criticised security operation on the approach to the stadium which compromised the safety of our supporters.

From erecting steel pens around the standing section which were later removed in interest of supporter safety, to actively encouraging pyrotechnic use at specific fixtures as means of protest at certain domestic kick off times, senior Celtic officials have repeatedly discredited their authority in this area. In the meantime, the club have instructed us not to liaise with the Supporter Liaison Officer, ironically against UEFA’s SLO guidance.

While fans remain unjustifiably banned, with hundreds hugely out of pocket for the upcoming trip to Madrid, and while the PLC board is shamefully positioned on the wrong side of history, we encourage all concerned to voice your displeasure to those within
the Club who are responsible for these decisions and sanctions:

Celtic v St Mirren – cinch Premiership – Celtic Park Peter Lawwell in the stands ahead of the cinch Premiership match at Celtic Park, Wednesday November 1, 2023. Photo Andrew Milligan

Michael Nicholson, Chief Executive Officer — Chris McKay, Chief Finance Officer –  – Chris Duffy, Company Secretary and Head of Legal – Ronnie Hawthorn, Head of Safety, Security and Operations.*

Celtic v St Mirren –  Peter Lawwell centre in the stands during the cinch Premiership match at Celtic Park, : Wednesday November 1, 2023. Photo Andrew Milligan

Finally, we are heartened by the overwhelming messages of support from other Celtic fans, fan groups and fan media as well as from people around the world who are following this story. While we may be absent from matches, we encourage all fans everywhere to fly the flag for Palestine.

* Email addresses are included in the statement but we are not showing them on The Celtic Star.

Some points on this line in the Green Brigade’s statement: “…shamefully attempting to use fan media and national press to do bidding on their behalf” from the Green Brigade’s statement.

The previous generation of fan media sites perhaps made the mistake of getting way too close to the Board and some even became puppets. Whatever your thoughts are on the current generation of popular Celtic fan media sites, I don’t think any, for all their faults, can be accused of falling into that particular trap.

I can only speak for The Celtic Star and we have published the views and statements of the Green Brigade and the Celtic Trust and I have also spoken to Celtic on each story we have published, having challenged the club on for instance the Palestine flag display being a reason for the ban.

We have reported from both sides so that the Celtic support gets fully informed without the warped message and spin that the mainstream media are putting on this story.

We also carried two articles yesterday – where two of our writers Just an Ordinary Bhoy supported the Green Brigade and Eddie Murray did not and we opened up the site to Celtic supporters to have their own say.

I have mentioned on here a few times that The Celtic Star has ongoing issues with Celtic relating to the coverage of the women’s team and as that is still unresolved, we’ve just decided to do our own thing anyway but do not cooperate with Celtic in any way and we don’t even get invited to their women’s media conferences.

Crazy when you think we championed the Celtic women’s team and probably did more than any other site to promote Fran Alonso’s side. But that’s the way it is.

So there is certainly no cosy relationship there and I suspect that it’s the same across the other sites actively involved in the Celtic fan media. Each site will be entitled to their own opinion but on The Celtic Star we never have had a collective opinion, each writer – all being Celtic supporters – are free to state their own opinions and all do so any without interference whatsoever. So we’ll never be in anyone’s back pocket.

Celtic supporters show their support with Palestine flags during the Cinch Scottish Premiership match between Heart of Midlothian and Celtic FC at Tynecastle Park on October 22, 2023  (Photo by Ian MacNicol/Getty Images)

The Celtic Star has NOT been doing the bidding of the club or indeed of the Green Brigade in this dispute and that’s the way it will continue on this and every other issue that comes up. Surely that’s no bad thing?

Personally I think that there needs to be dialogue and I noted that Matt McGlone from the Alternative View was offering to mediate on the dispute, giving up his time free of charge to do so. That might not be a bad shout.

Matt tweeted: “Blanket banning supporters is not a solution. Ultras and boards may never agree but for the wellbeing of Celtic they have to co-exist. Dialogue sorts all disagreements. IF a mediation group is required to sort this out then count me in and I’ll volunteer my time and effort!”

There’s a start to a solution right there for anyone who is interested.

About Author

The Celtic Star founder and editor David Faulds has edited numerous Celtic books over the past decade or so including several from Lisbon Lions, Willie Wallace, Tommy Gemmell and Jim Craig. Earliest Celtic memories include a win over East Fife at Celtic Park and the 4-1 League Cup loss to Partick Thistle as a 6 year old. Best game? Easy 4-2, 1979 when Ten Men Won the League. Email


  1. Can’t understand why they want club fined how can they be true celtic fans,what happens if they shut full stand down,celtic could lose million quid,so when does this stupidness end,going end up losing leauge cause this,,and its not C F C blame.

    • Did you read why they bypassed them. Didn’t want an anti facist banner and I don’t get why the club want a flag banned that carries nothing that is offensive. If you don’t agree with the board you’ll get banned. Collective punishment where did they get that idea?

  2. Thomas Davidson on

    I don’t think that the Green Brigade’s statement helps in any way; it’s confrontational and the inclusion of the e-mail addresses of Celtic officials is unwarranted. The GB implicitly admits to having broken the club’s requirements in smuggling banners into the stadium but craftily ignores most of the accusations laid against it, including the suggestion that at least one banner showed support for a terrorist group, not to mention alleged poor behaviour at matches and the reprehensible – and potentially dangerous – use of pyrotechnics. Moreover, Celtic is almost certainly entitled to suspend season tickets, as a matter of law: the club’s right to do that forms part of the contract with supporters. The GB clearly has no intention of changing its ways; its attitude shows beyond doubt that its support for Celtic is at best secondary to other considerations and at worst a total fraud, and is simply using Celtic and more genuine fans for its own purposes, regardless of the consequences to Celtic, or to anyone else. Keep the Green Brigade out of Celtic Park, Mr Nicholson!

    • Totally agree, keep the GB out of Celtic Park, they have embarrassed us all over Europe and at home.

      GB. Not in my name

      • Martin Leadbetter on

        Spot on – an excellent comment. What nonsense that we have an activist group of football supporters able to issue ‘ statements ‘ and pontificate on complex international situations. Who do they think cares what they think when such tragedy is unfolding far away. The stupidity extended to the other mob last night with their banner about the police being ‘clowns’ – be a different story if they ever need police help in an emergency. Come to the game and get behind the team – leave all the soapbox views for protest in your own time.

      • Why don’t you stay away from celtic Park probably don’t even go to games..all fans have freedom of speech another lawell puppet or fake celtic fan

  3. Totally agree keep green brigade out permanently. They have no feelings whatsoever but instead are hell bent on causing trouble whole bleating about their treatment. They have cost the club thousands in fines while bragging about their charitable donations which are only made to mask their totally obnoxious behaviour. Well done Celtic.

    • Totally agree with the replys that have been shown here the largest % of every supporting fan of Celtic , GB who has issued a statement concerning the ban again they are mouthing off about the injustice,and cheek of the board banning them why at the end of the day they are supporters nothing more nothing less, and yes they do great at all the Tipos helping with the food banks that are in the Glasgow area but GB do not do this themselves it gets done by the general CELTIC fan of which THE GB take the credit well self praise is no praise at all so if the GB are not happy at the board for banning them then move on .Or speak to Celtic and both parties can make up the do,s and don’ts of how to support the team and again if they can’t agree with board move on and let the fans on the waiting list get a ticket so sorry GB do not agree with the statement that you issued

  4. What a crock of shit,the GB stand up for I believe majority of Celtic supporters where as the Board have absolutely no empathy with the feelings or ethos of our club.That was started to help Irish and poor families in East End of Glasgow plus stand against injustice throughout the world.Not to make profits and bonuses for elite group.Continue to fight injustice GB YWNA

  5. Not everyone supports the Palestinian / Hamas cause over the horrendous treatment of Israelis. The Green Brigade offend many. That is why the Board sensibly wish to keep politics out of Parkhead . The Green Brigade naively assume 60,000 Celtic fans all support their views. This is simply outrageous. For bringing my club into disrepute I would helpfully suggest that the Green Brigade give up their season tickets to allow true Celtic supporters on our sizeable waiting list to get on board

  6. Cause of this stubborn stupid wannae bees it affected the players last night very few supporters believe flying an arab state flag

  7. Martin Blackshaw on

    “Far right British government”? Are you having a laugh? The Westminster Tory government is the most left-wing, Socialist bunch in Conservative Party history. There’s nothing remotely “right wing” about the present British government.

    As for the Green Brigade, I agree with other commentators that they should be banned permanently. It’s a group of trouble makers that will always disgrace the club. Best cut ties with them now and save a lot of trouble going forward. Just think how much Celtic will save on fines by getting shot of that element from its fanbase.

    • Correct. Where it counts, in the corridors of power, there is no left or right ideology. People have to realise the left and right wing is just another way to keep the people divided, it is nothing more than a mental prison people enter of their own accord.

    • Derek Warriner on

      You are clearly blind, willingly deaf, or just plain stupid in calling the Tory Party “Left wing” …. They are Fascists (please look that up if you can read)

  8. Damian Gallagher on

    I believe that the green brigade are a positive body of support. Palestinians, particularly those in Gaza have been persecuted for many years and the green brigade quite rightly stand beside them. Standing against genocide is both morally and ethically right and doesn’t make you antisemitic, indeed quite a few protests in support of Gaza have been organised by Jews.Forby that issue, they bring colour and life to the match day experience, which the club use when it suits. I’m note suggesting that the green brigade are whiter than white, rather green and white. HH.

    • The disparity between match-going fans, who are largely supportive of the Green Brigade, as they see, hear and decide for themselves and their armchair critics, who believe anything the anti-Celtic media say, is a chasm.

  9. Take there season tockets now and sell them to celtic suporters we have witnessed intimadation from this group so celtic park and visiting away grounds will be a better place and saver without this load off wannae bees

    • In the 90s Fergus McCann tried to end the rebel songs and individuals were banned and supporters clubs which were named after anything that could resemble republican support were threatened with receiving no away ticket allocation and this led to disharmony between fans at games either for or against the ban but it didnt last long. I live in Canada now so its hard for me to know exactly what division between the fans is like in the stadium but i read it every day in the Celtic star and i definitely think arbitration is needed and knowing matt mcglone i think he would be perfect for the job. Although i stood in the jungle went home and away and sang all the songs i don’t ever remember the fans showing any or much sympathy for the Palestinian people then

  10. Leave politics out of supporting our great team. If you want to make a point do a rally in city centre or something. You have had great rapport with most Celtic fans but things are turning .. get back to your original brilliant backing of the team whilst at Celtic park and leave the politics and pyrotechnics out of it . HH 🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪

  11. If the green brigade are intent on pursuing their agenda of the persecuted and their backing of the Palestinians there is no more persecuted people than the Jewish people who if certain groups had their way would be wiped off the face of the earth as previously witnessed in the holocaust. So why no Israeli flags in support of the oppressed. Celtic football club have had and still have Israeli playing staff.

  12. cancel all tickets at the curve end..put all the tickets onto the waiting list (real celtic supporters).say good riddance the gb…..HAIL HAIL….

  13. Darrin Taggart on

    I am a West Bromwhich Albion fan and as a passionate football fan I am disgusted but the treatment of the GB but not surprised. It would seem that collective punishment is very in vogue at the moment the Celtic board of directors and should hang their heads in shame. Celtic football club has always represented something more than just football. The club was formed against a back drop of oppression and social inequality. It’s hardly surprising the GB should champion the course of others who experience oppression. The GB a shining beacon of hope and solidarity in its support of the most marginalised people in society. This cancel culture has to stop. The hypocrisy is mind numbing when you consider who the football family were falling over themselves in support of the Ukraine, banners were actively encouraged in football stadia in marked contrast to the Palestinian flag. For the love of football stop with this cancel culture madness and encourage and embrace diversity of opinion, culture and tradition. West Brom FC stand with the GB.