Ibrox Civil War: “Unhealthy disdain for the Rangers support” v “disruptors and their propaganda war”

Well, if there was any doubt theRangers will be travelling to Australia and assuming the position of Celtic’s lesser paid support act of Ange’s Homecoming tour, it would appear barring a boardroom coup – and there may still be time for that – there is no chance of the used car salesman et al bending to the will of their revolting support, not after today’s incredible all guns blazing attack on a section of their own support.

The Ibrox board released a stinging attack in response to supporters’ group – and shareholders- Club 1872’s calling out of theRangers board on a number of issues and in particular their decision to head to Australia for the Sydney Super Cup.

“In recent weeks, following the announcement of (the)Rangers’ participation in the Sydney Cup in Australia, supporters have begun to publicly and vocally question the judgement of theRangers’ Executive Team. It is the opinion of the Club 1872 Board that not only are they correct to do so, but that it is crucial for the future health of the club that they do so.

“Unfortunately, the contempt shown to supporters over this issue is only the tip of the iceberg and has been ongoing, albeit less visibly to the majority of supporters, for almost two years.

“It is a source of great regret that we are having to raise these matters publicly – having always attempted to engage privately and constructively with the club – but the current custodians of (the)Rangers Football Club have refused to speak with us privately despite repeated attempts to do so.

“When Club 1872 attempted to represent the interests and concerns of supporters on a variety of topics such as ticketing, safe standing, disabled facilities, season ticket renewals, Scottish football governance and merchandise issues, the reaction of the Executive team over a number of months between March and July 2020 was dismissive, patronising and at times openly hostile.”

So, what to do when faced with a public attack such as this from a prominent supporter’s group? Do you back down entirely, attempt to find some common ground, recognise the concerns raised and agree to meet halfway – with a view to dampening the flames – or do you double down entirely bite the hand that feeds you and wash your dirty linen in public? Well, if you’re theRangers board you go all out on a full-frontal attack and do it publicly.

“It is deeply regrettable that the same small rump of “supporters” remains intent on causing damage to our club.

“It is particularly concerning to note the timing they have chosen to launch their latest attack.

“It is lost on nobody that those intent on creating maximum disruption are those who have either enjoyed, or craved, a role within our club.

“The collective desire of our Board, Management and players, is to have unity of purpose over the coming months.

“Rest assured, we will address the disruptors and their propaganda war at the end of this season.

“For now, nothing matters but results on the field. Together, we are stronger.”

Make no mistake this is rumbling discontent between squabbling parties now breaking into all out Civil War at Ibrox, with Dodgy Dave stoking the flames on one side and now Douglas Park and a somewhat divided boardroom responding with the verbal equivalent of a flamethrower.

If it was tennis balls and toilet rolls that were the extent of the public show of displeasure from the Ibrox support at Dens Park on Sunday, you can safely say this strange tactical approach from the Ibrox boardroom is likely to see this particular engagement run for weeks and be ramped up to another level entirely now. And with the team on the park already three points behind in the title race and due to ‘welcome’ Celtic to Ibrox on 3 April, it appears both sides have taken their eyes of the prize at the most bizarre time.

Of course from a boardroom perspective the money on offer from a trip to Australia simply can’t be ignored, even if it is for around half of what Celtic will receive for the same journey, after all soft loans and constant losses year on year cannot be sustained without a reckoning occurring, yet Club 1872 and others within the support who appear to wish to portray a concern and a diluting of the Glasgow Derby by taking it on a tour down under, are being completely disingenuous, when what their real concern is having to travel to Australia and travel economy class as Celtic turn left, stretch their legs and enjoy the complimentary champagne.

Yet there are so many layers to the split between the two parties that even if at this stage theRangers board backed down and pulled out of the Sydney Super Cup, that would only deal with one battle of what is now Civil War.

The timing from a Celtic perspective couldn’t be better, and with this exchange no doubt just the start, it’s not really a moment for Jelly and Ice cream just yet, but it’s certainly a moment to break out the marshmallows and hold them over a bonfire of theRangers making.

Even Paddy Power is getting in on the act…

Shaun Riley

Willie Fernie - Putting on the Style

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