James Forrest has enjoyed a terrific end to the season, and last night he continued that by scoring in our thumping 5-0 win over Kilmarnock as we clinched the title…

That title win now means that James has won 23 major honours in his Celtic career. That takes him equal with the great Billy McNeill, and that is quite an accomplishment. In fact James is now only two winners medals away from equaling Bobby Lennox as the most decorated Celtic player of all time.

I’m not saying James is in the same class as Cesar and The Buzzbomb, he’s clearly not, but like both players he has earned the right to be a called a Celtic legend. Very unfairly James has had his critics throughout the years, he still does to an extent, and even the mere mention of James being a Celtic legend would have folk arguing the toss..

But James has certainly cemented his place as a Celtic legend, it’s not even up for debate. Even his fiercest critics will now have to agree. That’s 494 appearances, 108 goals and counting. 23 honours and counting. If that doesn’t make you a Celtic legend then I don’t know what will.

And Jamesy has got one more year left on his contract so doing the maths, and factoring in the intent of Brendan Rodgers, then he could overtake Bobby Lennox’s record next season. I wouldn’t bet against it.

Just an Ordinary Bhoy