Jota and the unfortunate truth about where journalism is nowadays

The Cynic summed it up best when they made this observation: “Writing articles about players leaving off the back of tweets is where journalism is nowadays unfortunately.”

The tweet from a Qatar based outlet claimed that Jota was set to leave Celtic to head to Saudi Arabia was immediately jumped upon by all the mainstream media and indeed many fan media sites. The respected @aboutceltic account shared the tweet then deleted it but the cat was well and truly out of the bag and the latest Celtic transfer rumour had its arms and legs.

They claimed:

Sources for the cup:

The Saudi club #الاتحاد agrees with the Portuguese player #جواو_فيليبي on all terms and details of the contract to join its ranks during the current summer transfer period; And a few minor details remain with his club

Earlier in the week, it was Reo Hatate who was the subject of the same sort of speculation but that didn’t last very long as the player’s agent immediately closed it down saying that Hatate is staying in Europe, yeah it would have been nicer if he’d said Celtic.

Of course releasing these sort of tweets, even of there is no substance to them whatsoever, still gets people talking about football in Saudi Arabia, something that hasn’t really happened before to this extent.

And IF Jota lacks the footballing ambition and decides that’s where he wants to go for the money then Celtic will have their own financial requirements which would presumably not be a problem for whichever club is after the Celtic star who last summer signed a long term contract at the club.

The record transfer fee achieved by Celtic is the £25m received from Arsenal for Kieran Tierney in August 2019. That record would have to be broken to make Celtic consider it as a deal worth doing – iF it is on the table. And remember Benfica almost certainly will have a sell-on clause that needs to be factored in.

But for now we’ll take this one with a pinch of sand.

About Author

The Celtic Star founder and editor David Faulds has edited numerous Celtic books over the past decade or so including several from Lisbon Lions, Willie Wallace, Tommy Gemmell and Jim Craig. Earliest Celtic memories include a win over East Fife at Celtic Park and the 4-1 League Cup loss to Partick Thistle as a 6 year old. Best game? Easy 4-2, 1979 when Ten Men Won the League. Email


  1. Vincent Doherty on

    We’re your site one of the first to run with the story? It seems to me like a case of talking out of both sides of you mouth at the same time, accusing others of the exact same behaviour as yourselves.

    • Glasgow times have never gave celtic there place in top club in scotland always negativity ibrox club get there name then followed by Celtic or oldfirm which only name is used at ibrox celtic park calls it true identity when talking about the two clubs it is the Glasgow derby since 2012 its as this column says i myself dont buy yhem its not worth the money

      • Why write that piece at all then ? Couldn’t wait to lay into the media eh? They get laugh last on this occasion.

  2. If this story turns out Not to be true the every Celtic fan should block every news outlet that posted the story. Including our own so called in the know clowns. You have just poured fuel on a fire.

    • Someone couldn’t wait to jump on the anti -media hysteria currently in vogue at the club at all levels ,and ends up looking like a dick .

  3. When Romano tweets it’s wise to listen. We should bite their hand off for that money. They must have more money than sense tbh…but,that’s their problem.More than him will go ,or,want to go eg. Hatate. Suddenly we might be relying on Rodgers genius in the transfer market…God help us.

  4. Sadly I fear this is true.
    It is the only reason we would br signing Tillio.
    I am so sick to the gut with Desmond and the board. Swapping Jota for Tillio is akin to swapping Kyogo for Klimala.
    Bringing back Rodgers was bad enough (remember he forced through an early move as the team were on a downward spiral and he didn’t want to be holding the can at the end of season as the guy that blew 10 in a row.

    Virtually every other name linked to the managers job was a better option than Rodgers but we got lumped with the guy who has no plan b when things go wrong. How did Leicester work out for him? We are Celtic! We deserve better than Tillio and Rodgers.

  5. Why would going to Saudi be a ‘ack ambition’. Big name players are beginning to flood into Saudi. And there is the money. It is always about the money. The Saudi League will be a league of Superstars in 2 seasons. Jota might not get a chance then as he might not be a big enough name. White Europeans, especially the English, are losing their minds about this. Money is the only thing that matters. Playing in the CL means nothing, winning the treble in Scotland what does that mean to a Portuguese lad with no connections to Glasgow. But playing with Cristiano in a Super League for 200 grand a week might have a certain appeal. This is a sea-change in football and the over-privileged, previously richest leagues are going to have to shelve their barely disguised racism and jealousy and suck it up.