Celtic FC Women’s remarkable second half performance at Celtic Park last night, backed by a record breaking crowd for a domestic match in women’s football in Scotland, with that incredible Green Wall practically sucking the football into the Glasgow City net at the Jock Stein end of the ground, has left Fran Alonso’s side in with a tremendous chance of winning the title for the first time ever!

The Unique Angle today is an absolute joy to watch! The players the goals, the celebrations, the fans, the post match scenes, the manager conducting the choir, it’s all there and more in a few minutes you’ll be to glad to have spend watching Glasgow Celtic (Women, Green Brigade, Celtic Bhoys and the rest of the supporters) putting on show.

The Celtic Star has been shout about this Women’s team for three season and now surely You Really Must Believe Us…

Watch this, you’ll love it!

And here’s Fran Alonso’s full media conference from last night…He was buzzing!

Highlights from Sky Sports…