More fury over Brendan’s choice of words is much ado about nothing…

Let me start by saying that I’m not one of those folk who likes to moan about today’s ‘PC brigade’, those who reminisce about the ‘good old days’ and how we now have to watch what we say incase of who it may offended.
I’m all for calling out those who offend others by calling them names and insulting them with offensive and hurtful words. Words which were maybe seen as fair game ‘back in the day’. A certain choice of words weren’t nice and acceptable back then and they sure as hell aren’t nice or acceptable now.
But spare me the ‘uproar’ by certain folk over Brendan using the term ‘ladies’ when he wished Elena Sadiku and the Celtic FC Women’s side well ahead of their Women’s Scottish Cup semi-final, which was rather over the top in my opinion.

Brendan in my eyes said nothing wrong. Just as he did in the case of the ‘good girl’ debacle involving the BBC’s Jane Lewis a few months back. The word ‘ladies’ is not offensive, if that was the case the expression ladies and gentlemen would no longer be in use.
I get that the certain individuals involved with the women’s side might not like it, but some choose to call them by the word and it’s never been and never will be offensive in my eyes. I respect that some in the woman’s ranks want to be called Celtic FC Women and I call them that myself, but if folk wish to use the term ladies it’s not them being offensive, it’s just a word that rolls off the tongue and I don’t see a problem with it.
Just An Ordinary Bhoy

Editor’s Note: It’s not about offensive it’s about being accurate and Celtic thought long and hard about the name for the team and the club’s decision was to call the team Celtic FC Women. So Celtic ladies is as incorrect as using Celtic women. You can call the players Ghirls just as the men’s side are known as Bhoys – ie COYGIG and COYBIG.
Coincidentally I bumped into Brendan up in St Andrews after watching the Women’s Scottish Cup semi-final at Hampden and we were talking about that game. He was well aware that Elena Sadiku’s team had lost 2-0 at Hampden and asked me what happened in the game.

On the eve of the huge game against Dundee today, Brendan was showing interest in the Celtic FC Women’s team. To me there’s the necessary respect right there. Incidentally I told him it was an uncharacteristically dreadful performance and that theRangers* side deserved to win.
*Using the correct title there too.