“Supporting your team is not a crime let’s decorate the fences it’s Christmas after all … we will not be silenced,” the Jeremie Frimpong DalmarnockEmerald CSC tweeted this morning alongside perhaps the first of many Celtic flags and scarfs that could end up being displayed on those fences erected by the club of Friday afternoon ahead of Celtic’s 1-1 draw with St Johnstone yesterday.
The fencing is seen by many as a metaphor for the alienation between those running Celtic and the supporters and while it is a battle no-one wants to have it is also one that will only ever have one winner and that will be the Celtic support.
Supporting your team is not a crime let’s decorate the fences it’s Christmas after all … we will not be silenced pic.twitter.com/7eXUWJ5HMy
— Jeremie Frimpong DalmarnockEmeraldCSC🍀 (@CscEmerald) December 7, 2020
Paul Larkin writes powerfully this morning on his blog and mentions comfy seats. His article this morning is well worth a read.
One point Paul does mention, and it is also one we raised last week, has been to note the complete and utter silence from the three main supporters associations, The CSA, the Affiliation and the Association of Irish Celtic Supporters Clubs (AICSC). Indeed many will have read the Celtic Supporters Association’s public letters to the SFA complaining about the Ibrox club or something to do with the SFA themselves over the past few years but why do they never say anything at all about CELTIC? Is it actually in their constitution not to criticise the club or is it simply a Gentlemen’s Agreement?

The wider Celtic support should note the silence from all three supporters organisations with at least some disappointment. Indeed if any of the three supporters associations wants to use The Celtic Star as a vehicle to communicate with the support, we are more than happy to oblige. Simply email editor@thecelticstar.co.uk
Here’s a photograph on Ibrox earlier in the season, taken by Geo – the Celtic fans media photographer. He went to this game to take photos for St Mirren in order to get a pass to photograph the Celtic v St Mirren match that would follow. That was subsequently postponed due to Bolingoli’s Spanish incident but he did get into the re-arranged match, the ONLY Celtic match that he’s been able to attend this season.

That is something we’ve mentioned repeatedly. It might not matter to most folk (we get that) but when theRangers fans media photographer is welcomed with open arms at Celtic Park it sort of sticks in out throats.
But the main point I showing you this photograph is to consider the fact that their supporters flags and banners are deemed suitable and appropriate to appear on the seats that their supporters have paid for via their season tickets while at Celtic Park our support has never been allowed a single flag or banner inside a now sterile and soulless stadium. One that is now fenced in to keep the support away.
So the idea to brand those fences with the colour and vibrancy of the Celtic fans’ flags is a good one. Hopefully it will flourish.
Some early reaction to this tweet…