Liar Logan defames the Celtic support

ABERDEEN had just won at Celtic Park on the last day of last season to clinch second place in the Premiership. It was Derek McInnes’ first success over Brendan Rodgers – previously it was defeat after defeat after defeat for the Dons.

They had every right to celebrate among themselves and with their supporters and while the Celtic support was disappointed to lose the match, there was no ill feeling at all. We wanted to celebrate with our own players, to acknowledge their achievement in winning the league.

I watch Shay Logan run over to Mikael Lustig, then I watched him from my seat in the North Stand run towards the centre of the park from the edge of the 18 yard box and he basically was baiting the Celtic supporters and challenging then to a fight. He then got involved with Dedryck Boyata at the centre of the park before referee Craig Thomson had enough and issued him with a red card.

It was classless stuff from Logan and completely unnecessary.

There was only one person in the wrong during that incident and it was Logan. Yesterday a local paper in Aberdeen apparently asked Logan if he was racially abused that afternoon at Celtic Park.

Logan relied: “There was but I expect it now. There’s no crying or moaning about it. I deal with it, let them say whatever they want, we move on, there’s other games in the future.

“If you want to have a go at me for whatever reason, bring it on – I never did anything wrong.”

Yes you did. I watched you doing it – you are a liar.

And inevitably the row moved to the west coast where Brendan Rodgers leapt to the defence of the Celtic support.

And having personally stood with our support at Pittodrie which is close up to the action, Logan continually tries to rile the Celtic support but there has been no racial response at all.

Brendan said:“It’s not something you would ever want to see anywhere.

“There’s been an ongoing thing with young Shay since an incident I was made aware of when I first came in.

“But the Celtic supporters were voted the best supporters in the world. That says it all in terms of the ambiance at the stadium. How they behave themselves.

“It’s not something the Celtic supporters are ever renowned for. It’s a wonderful atmosphere at Celtic Park.”

Logan of course has form for this having previously alleged that Aleksandar Tonev had racially abused him at Celtic Park. There were no other witnesses, no-one else of the pitch heard him but the SFA took his word for it on the ‘balance of probabilities’ and hit Tonev with a lengthy ban. His chances at Celtic were effectively ruined by Logan and he was labelled as being a racist only on the word of Logan.

Yet Shay Logan is a liar. The SFA’s Compliance Officer should be looking at this – if this is not bringing the game into disrepute then what is?

About Author

The Celtic Star founder and editor David Faulds has edited numerous Celtic books over the past decade or so including several from Lisbon Lions, Willie Wallace, Tommy Gemmell and Jim Craig. Earliest Celtic memories include a win over East Fife at Celtic Park and the 4-1 League Cup loss to Partick Thistle as a 6 year old. Best game? Easy 4-2, 1979 when Ten Men Won the League. Email

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