It’s ‘something for something’ as The Celtic Star’s Matt Corr heads to Malawi with Celtic FC Foundation…

Celtic author, historian and stadium tour guide Matt Corr is heading off to Malawi early next month with Celtic FC Foundation’s first overseas volunteer project for five years. The trip was originally scheduled for June 2020 but the COVID Pandemic put paid to that…until now.

Matt, as you may know,  has run marathons in different parts of the world to raise funds for the Foundation in the past, but this initiative will be something completely different, the volunteers providing practical support on the ground to ensure a new two-classroom block is made fit for purpose.

Now we’re looking for your financial backing to make sure that the trip raises as much money as possible for the Celtic Foundation.  Matt will be keeping us updated on the trip via his diary, similar to the ones covering numerous European away trips following Celtic.

Matt Corr

The Celtic Star readers can donate to support Matt’s fundraising initiative via his Just Giving page in the normal manner, however, Matt has come up with an alternative approach which might be of interest to anyone with a family member or friend who played for the club and is interested in finding out a bit more about that career….

…or perhaps to a Celtic Supporters’ Club named after a Celt or representing an area which has produced a few of those over the years.

For a donation to the Just Giving page, Matt will produce a short story, or a slide pack or – if dates and locations are feasible – a short talk at a supporters’ function. The subject is down to you. The challenge is his.

You provide the context and Matt will take it from there. So, something for something. The donation amount will be down to you or the Celtic supporters’ club involved. Pay as much as you want to and can afford to. Simple as that.

A Unique Father’s Day Gift for your Dad! 

With Father’s Day coming up on 16 June you could get Matt to do a write up on your dad’s first game watching Celtic and Matt can include references to your dad as a wee boy going to Celtic Park for the first time. And we’ll even publish this as an article on The Celtic Star on Father’s Day!

The photo above shows just some of the articles Matt has written for families of Celts and/or has published in The Celtic Star or via Celtic Star Books, or through his work with Celtic FC Foundation Supporters Committee.

But the subject choice is yours. From Maley’s Team of all the Talents to Brendan’s Invincibles, and everything in between. If you’re interested, Matt can be contacted through his X/Twitter account @Boola_vogue or drop us an email ( and we’ll pass on your details.

And if you’re happy simply to donate to support this initiative, then Matt’s Just Giving page link is HERE!