What a wonderful night The Celtic Star put on for Matt Corr…

Last night I had the privilege to attended the function in the Kerrydale suite for fellow Celtic Star writer Matt Corr. It was Matt’s big night as he launched his much awaited new book, Majic Stan and the king of Japan, which is published today by Celtic Star Books.

It was an outstanding success and an absolute terrific turnout for Matt and that was no more than he deserved. Guests included Celts from a bygone era such as John Fallon and Tommy Callaghan, players who I had heard of but perhaps didn’t know too much about, but like everyone else I was captivated by their brilliant and insightful Celtic stories and knew we were in the presence of legends.

Talking of legends, the two oldest Celts Billy Craig and Peter Goldie also attended at the age of 88 and 89. The two of them whom it was revealed only met up last year, their first meeting since their playing days, that’s to Matt Corr for his article on The Celtic Star. A wonderful story.

One of our more recent former star players who attended was of course John Hartson, and he didn’t disappoint as he captivated the audience with his brilliant and humorous tales of his time at the club and also on his infamous failed medical at Ibrox and how a canny Martin O’Neill intervened to make sure that the Welsh goalscorer would end up wearing the Hoops.

Moving tributes were also paid to former Celts who are no longer with us such as Harry Hood, Johnny Doyle and Frank McGarvey, the latter who was brilliantly and beautifully eulogised by the wonderful Tommy Sheridan, whose passion for Celtic filled the entire Kerrydale. He also gave a nice mention for The Celtic Star for our support of the podcast he launched with his great pal Frank McGarvey.

This was of course The Celtic Star’s first event since the passing of  David Potter and it was wonderful to hear the story’s of man I never met, but knew so much about. I unfortunately never got to meet David, and can now fully understand how much he was loved on here and across the entire Celtic family. What a contribution he made. David’s widow Rosemary and other members of Potter family were special guests of The Celtic Star.

There was a raffle with a difference with the guest in a packed, sold out Kerrydale being asked to put a note inside the envelopes proved then write their name of the front. After that they had to place inside the Celtic FC Foundation buckets on the Celtic Star bookstall and then collect a copy of Willie Fernie – Putting on the Style on the 66th anniversary of Hampden in the Sun.  So everyone got a book for their raffle entry and one winner won the  (Celtic) Star Prize later in the evening when the lucky envelope was drawn from the bucket by the man of the moment, Matt Corr.

And the total raised, as reported on The Celtic Star earlier, was £1199.15 pence (some folk apparently were putting their change into the Foundation bucket because, well that’s the kind of thing Celtic supporters do is it not? That money was delivered to The Celtic FC Foundation offices earlier today.

The night of course was all about Matt, and his new book, Majic, Stan and the King of Japan. I of course purchased a copy and plan to start reading it today and if it’s as good as it looks – as I am sure it will be – then I’m in for a real treat.

If it’s anything like Matt’s earlier books it will be a major success, in fact I know it will. If you haven’t got a copy I suggest you get one soon or even purchase one for a friend or loved one for Christmas. It won’t disappoint. Here’s to you Matt.

Just an Ordinary Bhoy

READ THIS…Photos: A truly ‘Majic’, totally unique Celtic Stars night at the Kerrydale