You can always rely on Chris Sutton to tell it how it is. It’s now one week since the Glasgow Derby and theRangers supporters are still in a state of complete and utter meltdown. And remember they were never going to get their usual penalty anyway BECAUSE IT WAS OFFSIDE!

Referee William Collum reacts during the 2022 FIFA World Cup Qualifier match between Germany and Armenia at Mercedes Benz Arena on September 05, 2021 in Stuttgart, Stuttgart. (Photo by Alexander Hassenstein/Getty Images)

Yes seven full days of crying foul about a decision that was ultimately correct. They haven’t even taken a moment to breathe and realise that they got beat because, well Celtic are much the better side.

That’s the brutal reality they don’t want to face, and their club are continuing to disguise that very fact by demanding meetings with the SFA and deciding who officiates their games. It’s the perfect smokescreen to shield the flak from themselves regarding their own failings, and they know their delusional fan base will lap it up buying them some precious time in the process.

Only the Celtic supporters can see through this, or most likely the only ones with the guts to say so. As for the Scottish mainstream media, they have all been too cowardly to confront the truth. Not one of the spineless hacks or pundits have had the balls to speak out, until today.

Step forward Chris Sutton. Yes the big man doesn’t hold back when giving his opinion and today he delivered and hit the target as usual.

Through his weekly column with Daily Record, Chris told those honest truths in every single detail possible. Yes he told how theRangers are just deflecting from defeat and are piling further pressure on the officials. All because of a correct on the field decision.

Bravo Chris, your words are most welcome, and are no doubt going to upset all the right folk even more so. Here’s some of what Sutton has had to say, enjoy!…

“People can make their own mind up on what (the)Rangers’ motivation was for sparking a game of statement tennis with the SFA.

“For me it was a blame game, a deflection tactic, after they fell short in another big match against Celtic. It’s blame Willie Collum, blame everyone else and take very little responsibility over the things that they can control. The decision not to award (the)Rangers a penalty was the correct decision however they got to it and the handball by Alistair Johnston was totally irrelevant.

“What is the merit in having a pointless argument over was it or was it not handball? (the)Rangers were not wronged so what are they moaning about? It’s been a strange old week and some may want to bring greater scrutiny on how it’s taken the best part of two years for (the)Rangers to have a Premiership penalty awarded against them but we didn’t see any statements or bafflement on that astonishing stat.

“What (the)Rangers’ statement has brought is a pile-on. And it’s all so unnecessary. It stirs the pot and puts more pressure on referees going forward. This route they’re going down by asking for Willie Collum not to be involved in any of their games is none of their business. And it’s a very dangerous precedent to set.

“What would be the protocol for that? Are we then going to scrutinise referees’ performances over time and the mistakes they’ve made or a particular referee’s past? We know what Scotland is like and that’s a can of worms that should never be opened. Collum got a subjective call wrong and you could question the competency there. There are also things that can be improved with VAR, I think we all agree that.

“But you cannot be asking for an official to be removed from your games for getting a subjective decision wrong. It’s just not going to happen. I go back to asking what (the)Rangers’ motivation was? Were they doing it on behalf of all clubs, for the greater good of the Scottish game? Or was it to deflect and pile pressure on referees further down the line? I think we all know which one it is and it’s so unnecessary.”

It’s hard to find fault in anything Chris Sutton is saying here, it’s just strange that outside of the Celtic support, he’s a lone voice of reason.

Just an Ordinary Bhoy