The absence of the Green Brigade was pretty evident last night and supporters were quick to vent their fury on social media. The Green Brigade apparently don’t do testimonials and friendlies and that’s completely their choice. They also apparently bought their tickets so they did indeed contribute to the game without actually being present.

Yes they make the place more colourful and atmospheric, but there was still a healthy crowd inside paradise regardless and they made it a decent atmosphere also. A total non-story about the Green Brigade is a kick in the teeth to those supporters who turned up and superbly backed James forrest and the team. I wonder how many of those online critics actually turned up last night?

Supporters who are critical of the absence of the Green Brigade being absent are of course entitled to their opinion, but that doesn’t mean they are right.

The game itself was a terrific spectacle and a great way to pay tribute to James forrest. It was his night no one else’s. Making it about the Green brigade is doing no one any favours.

Anyway the Green Brigade will be back on Saturday to back the side with colour and passion as they do so often. The uproar over their no show last night was a mountain out of a molehill if you ask me.

Here’s Celtic’s Unique Angle for the Green Brigade and others not at the game to enjoy!

Just an Ordinary Bhoy