“It’s obviously not working is it?” McGregor on the Levein inspired ‘Kick Broony’ campaign

CELTIC STAR Callum McGregor reckons that the SPFL’s hard men in waiting for Scott Brown – intensified since The Beast from the East Craig Levein’s outrageous remarks about the Celtic skipper at the start of the year – are wasting their time.

“It’s obviously not working is it? The other teams keep getting boys sent off,” McGregor said.

“Maybe they are trying to target Broony and wind him up but you can see the mature side of him.

“He is just trying to play his game and it ends up that they make the mistake, get sent off and their team gets punished because of it.

“You see him getting kicked that many times, people trying to wind him up, and he always seems to come out on top.

“That’s just Broony, — that’s the way he is.”

The wild lunge and stamp by Ross Count thug Andrew Davies – who must surely face a lengthy period of suspension for this act of violent conduct – was the worst yet, but something now seems to be happening every week.

At Aberdeen Broony got up and did a gallus wee dance. At Ibrox, he accepted the late challenge but only after releasing Moussa Dembele with a pin-point 60 yards pass that had the local co-commentator screaming at Tom ‘what’s the goalie Daein?” At Motherwell the ‘push with a foot’ was downgraded from a red to a yellow and then on Saturday we had the painful kick in the balls.

Strangely enough Craig Levein hasn’t commented on any of these incidents.

McGregor admitted he never looked too closely at any damage that was caused on Saturday, given the sensitive location of any damage caused by Davies’ violence – which incidentally caused no little outrage in the away dressing room on Saturday.

Marcus Fraser is an ex-Celtic player and regards Broony as one of the biggest influences on his career and was absolutely raging with his own skipper on Saturday after the game.

“I never checked them or anything, so I don’t know,” Callum stated referring to Broony’s privates!

“You will just need to trust him on that. I saw the tackle live but I haven’t had the chance to see it back.

“It was a bad one, from what the boys were saying. So the referee made a good decision.

“From then on, they were hanging on, but that’s credit to us. We were keeping the same momentum and tempo and getting the goals.”

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About Author

The Celtic Star founder and editor David Faulds has edited numerous Celtic books over the past decade or so including several from Lisbon Lions, Willie Wallace, Tommy Gemmell and Jim Craig. Earliest Celtic memories include a win over East Fife at Celtic Park and the 4-1 League Cup loss to Partick Thistle as a 6 year old. Best game? Easy 4-2, 1979 when Ten Men Won the League. Email editor@thecelticstar.co.uk

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