Open top bus parade confirmed for Saturday evening if Celtic win Scottish Cup

EITHER CELTIC or Motherwell will stage a victory parade on an open top bus on Saturday evening should they be successful in the Scottish Cup Final at Hampden.

Celtic initially looked at staging an open top bus parade on Sunday afternoon – when Celtic play Ireland in the Scott Brown testimonial but this has now been changed to Saturday after the cup final, which is regarded as the more appropriate occasion.

Celtic have released details of the plan on the club’s official website this afternoon and would like the details to be shared as widely as possible.

The Celtic statement is as follows:

“CELTIC Football Club is pleased today to outline its potential post-match plans for Saturday, providing important information to supporters, with the aim of assisting in planning.

“While we realise this will be an extremely difficult match against Motherwell (who are also putting in place similar post-match plans) and it will be a major challenge for Celtic to win this trophy once again, it has been decided that in the event of Celtic being successful in the Scottish Cup final, the club will stage an open-top bus procession on Saturday evening.

“The open top bus procession would begin at the area of Dalmarnock Train Station at approximately 6:15pm. It will travel along the Clyde Gateway, turn right on to London Road and then on to the Celtic Way.

“If the match moves to extra-time and penalties, the start time of the procession would move accordingly.

“The club has issued a map (above) outlining the route, and in the event of a Celtic victory, supporters are encouraged to follow this information carefully.

“There was an opportunity to stage a similar end of season event on Sunday, connected to the Scott Brown Testimonial match. However, following safety advice, the Saturday evening has been deemed a more appropriate time.

“We hope this advance information assists supporters with regards to any potential event and the planning required.”

We have seen Celtic win many trophies, but have never enjoyed an open top bus parade! The Lions got to get on the back of a coal lorry but that’s the nearest thing I can think of!

All we need to do is beat Motherwell! COYBIG…


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About Author

The Celtic Star founder and editor David Faulds has edited numerous Celtic books over the past decade or so including several from Lisbon Lions, Willie Wallace, Tommy Gemmell and Jim Craig. Earliest Celtic memories include a win over East Fife at Celtic Park and the 4-1 League Cup loss to Partick Thistle as a 6 year old. Best game? Easy 4-2, 1979 when Ten Men Won the League. Email

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