Opinion: Celtic need five new signings, all quality first team starters

Celtic need five new signings, all quality first team starters, if we want to continue to dominate the Scottish game…

There’s been a lot of talk of new faces at the club, and in truth we need them badly. It’s not a secret. We need to add quality to our starting XI.

I’m not talking about major surgery, but it’s heading in that direction. We need at least five new faces. Not projects, but ones who can go straight into the first team and contribute from the word go. Players who are better than the ones we currently have.

For me the positions that need to be tended to are the goalkeeping one, left back, centre back, a physically strong holding midfielder and a top drawer centre forward. Getting all of them over the line in January is not going to happen, but we should be looking at getting three in at the most, and adding more in the summer.

A centre back, left back and striker should be the main priority in January. In the centre we rely too much on CCV, but he’s been prone to injury this campaign and with doubts over Lagerbielke and Nawrocki we need a fresh experienced face in there.

And if there are doubts over both of those summer signings then questions have to be asked about the people making the calls to sign these players on long contracts. It clearly wasn’t Brendan Rodgers’ call was it?

As for the left back position, Greg Taylor and Alexandro Bernabei just aren’t cutting it and it’s plain for all to see. We need someone who can both defend and attack and is preferably on the tall side.

In the attacking area Kyogo and Oh are quality strikers, but we need a different type of target man. A true poacher, a real penalty box striker. Far too often balls into the box are wasted, it’s as if no one is there. An instinctive centre forward would tuck them away. It’s what we need.

A goalkeeper and a holding midfielder are also needed, but can wait to summer if need be.

Let’s hope we can add that desired quality in January. It’s what both Brendan Rodgers and the supporters want. If Rodgers is going to be successful in his second spell at the club he is going to have to add his own mark to the Celtic squad. At present he has the remnants of what Ange Postecoglou left behind,  plus the projects purchased in the summer.

That’s clearly proving itself to be insufficient. There needs to be a clear-out too, the non performers we have stock-piled at Lennoxtown and the no-hopers we have out on loan. Clear ou, cut the wage bill so that we can spend the money saved on the first team ready recruits we desperately need.

Get it done Celtic.

Just an Ordinary Bhoy

About Author

An ordinary everyday Celtic supporters hailing and still residing in Govan in the shadows of the enemy. I’m a season ticket holder. I Witnessed my first Celtic game in 1988 and have attended when I can ever since. Growing up in the 90s I witnessed Celtic at their lowest, and now appreciate the historic success we enjoy today. I enjoy writing about this wonderful football club and hopefully will continue to do so. I’ve always been a keen writer and initially started this a hobby. My ambition is to one day become as good an author as my fellow Celtic Star colleagues.

1 Comment

  1. If the club are now being data driven in the players that are being brought into the club.
    Maybe have look at the players already in the league. They would also be up to speed with the Scottish game .It has served us well in the past.Armstrong from Dundee united being just one of them. How about his namesake from Killie. He has been the difference maker in the last 2 games against us , dominating Taylor in both games. I know who I would prefer between him and Yang.