Football like life is multicultural, we should embrace it, sadly an ignorant percentage refuse to do just that…

The modern world is one of multi-culture. Folk from all different backgrounds, colour, creed and religion mixing in the same society, and quite rightly so. The world is a better place for it.

From schools, workplaces, and neighbourhoods, everyone has their own different identity and beliefs and it’s one we should all embrace and respect. We are all human beings after all. We all strive for the same thing, and that is to provide for our families while hoping for a decent standard of living. We therefore should be looking to enjoy life instead of trying to stir up hatred and division.

Of course not everyone wants to cause division thankfully, but sadly there is a small percentage who do, but it’s still a small percentage too many. Football is no different and in the past few months, particularly recently we’ve noticed a rise in these pathetic individuals trying to stir up hatred in the beautiful game.

This was shown recently when one of our own players Alistair Johnston took a rather sad high profile on social media to task over his pitiful comments on the ethnicity of his fellow Canadian teammates while on Copa America duty. AJ showed the sad individual up for what he is by saying how he and a fellow teammate are sons of immigrants, and are still proud Canadians, just like his teammates.

Something that the sad individual wouldn’t recognise as he’s only offended by the colour of someone’s skin not their immigration status or their parents’ immigration status. As that’s what it sadly boils down to in the end, nothing but sheer ugly racism.

It’s sadly been highlighted in Europe also with the French, Dutch and English national side being the focus of a racist agenda by a sad group of individuals. Players like Bukayo Saka are regularly targeted by the lowlifes of society, yet they never pick on Harry Kane who is of Irish decent, funny that eh? Well actually it’s not funny, but proves that these depraved individuals are just motivated by nothing more than the colour of someone’s skin.

The fact of the matter is that these guys have as much right as anyone to represent their country. Those warped individuals dishing out the abuse should be thankful that they have such talented players representing their nation.

Football is a sport that brings the world together. We are all one in the beautiful game and someone’s colour should never come into the equation. Racism has no place in football nor in any civilised society and those who stir up racial hatred are disgusting individuals who themselves live pathetically sad lives.

Just an Ordinary Bhoy

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