Photo: The Celtic presence in the Liverpool end at Ibrox

The Celtic presence was visible in the away end at Ibrox this evening as Liverpool defeated Rangers. A supporter brought a Celtic flag into the ground and posted the picture on Twitter on a night to remember for the visiting supporters.

Celtic and Liverpool share a strong Irish heritage and whilst Celtic are not playing, there were a number of tricolours on display as the away support were keen to stress that their historic links outweighed the prior mutual love of Steven Gerrard.

The away supporters certainly enjoyed themselves as Jurgen Klopp’s team won 7-1 at Ibrox.

About Author

Born just as Celtic were stopping the Ten, Lubo98 follows Celtic home and away and helps run his local Celtic Supporters Club. He goes to all the games and is a Law Graduate. Has a particular fondness for Tom Rogic among the current Celts and both Lubo and Henrik form his earliest Celtic memories.


  1. believe it or not, once liverpool scored the 7th, i said no mass, 7-1 dear me, love that score line.

  2. You mention Gerrard. Exactly like Rodgers, Gerrard couldn’t get out fast enough! He was well aware that his only trophy came only because Celtic imploded and the other club received unprecedented help from the SFA and Scottish government in regards to major imbalance in penalties for breach of covid rules.
    Gerrard ran.

  3. Their clubs first ever goal in the Champions League; they must be so proud!

    The last time any team called rangers* scored in the Champions League before last night was in 2010!

    We’re not firing on all cylinders ourselves, clearly work has to be done in both our system & personnel, but we’re miles ahead of that mob.

    I would like to think Ange has learned a lot from the competition to date and realises that he needs to change things up to suit individual opposition at CL level!

    You can’t play the same system every week, especially at CL level, and expect results; opposition managers know how to set up against you, where to close you down and exactly how to hurt you!

    Elite level football is like a game of Chess relative to the bog standard Checkers/Draughts of Scottish/Australian/Japanese league football, its a whole different game, and if your opposition manager knows your moves beforehand, you’re beat before a ball is kicked, which is especially but not exclusively true if you’re up against a competent club who already has a financial edge