Poundland! “The 250,000 that went down to Manchester can transform Rangers”

SHOULD we be worried? This looks like a financial juggernaut that is going to get up some amount of steam. Emboldened by Dave King’s recent actions in banning Celtic fans from the Free Broomloan and his attacks on various football officials, the Bears are full of over-confidence and enthusiasm for the arrival tomorrow of their new manager, the Liverpool Under 18s coach.

How though is Gerrard going to be able to transform the Ibrox club to rival Brendan Rodgers? He is going to need money. Where that is going to come from has been the unmentionable but maybe the answer is beginning to emerge.

This is worth a read, from one of their supporters…

“None of us can afford to buy the club alone, and even Dave King etc can’t fight a war on all fronts, in the league and politically with the media etc.

“Anyone thinking we’re being paranoid is just wrong. We get hammered left right and centre and its time we all done (sic) something about it.

“So what we need to do, is get loads of us, to all start and sign up to an agreement to put money into a fund. I’m thinking £1 a week but I’d happily pay alot more. So if the 250,000 of us that went down to Manchester all agree, and can all get a fellow bear each to do the same, we will have £26 million a year. That will only be £52 a year each, and tbh I’d pay 100x that every year if it meant we shut (Celtic) up and won the league. Add that onto the season ticket money and cup and league money and we’re easily looking at £50 million. And thats (sic) without Europe!

“Now for what we get in return: I was thinking that in addition to hammering (Celtic), we can have benefits to everyone signing up. Things like free Rangers TV. And most importantly, the ability to vote on things at the club. We’ll need some sort of verification process so (Celtic) can’t (sic) infiltrate us, but everyone that signs up gets to vote on things at the club. From everything to who our manager is, to where we should scout players etc. And if we should ban the S*n etc from getting into Ibrox (we should).

“Long term: Long term we’d be looking at owning the club outright, being able to have proper Rangers men like Walter Smith working for us for the good of the club. And we could even hopefully increase the capacity of Ibrox. (I know theres (sic) issues with that but again, we will have the money and theres (sic) a way to do anything).

“Anyway lads its (sic) time to team up and sort this sh*t out. No more gloating yellow teeths thinking they own Ibrox, no more media lies cos we can’t (sic) afford to take the lot of them to court. We can and will, be back to the biggest force in Scotland. Lets (sic) stop hoping for a sugar daddy, or that Stevie G will get it right and take things into our own hands. With the attention Stevie G brings, we can be the envy of world football. Imagine the possibilities if we got 1 million bears to sign up? We all agree to £2 a week to get us up and running. We will have 100 million to put (Celtic) in their place and sort out all sorts of stuff.”


About Author

The Celtic Star founder and editor David Faulds has edited numerous Celtic books over the past decade or so including several from Lisbon Lions, Willie Wallace, Tommy Gemmell and Jim Craig. Earliest Celtic memories include a win over East Fife at Celtic Park and the 4-1 League Cup loss to Partick Thistle as a 6 year old. Best game? Easy 4-2, 1979 when Ten Men Won the League. Email editor@thecelticstar.co.uk

1 Comment

  1. sonnybhoy88 on

    Whit a plan that wan is Ed,christ if it wis that easy then it would be used worldy wide by all ball playing clubs would it not,we would not need ECL monies as the fans would be putting in three times more , bejeezus we could rule the world in a decade way this plan……………..Wow………….Hail Hail