The hacks in the Mainstream Media all predictably enough have been lining up to have a pop at the Green Brigade…

Bill Leckie had a go last week, Hugh Keevins was next at the weekend, and now others like the loathsome Tom English are also at it. What’s that? Having a pop at the Green Brigade of course.

It’s similar to the behaviour of lemmings. Or Wolves because they hunt in packs and there’s safety in numbers. One jumps or bites and the rest follow. That’s fine, it’s a free country after all, but where is their condemnation of other supporters? Yip you can see the tumbleweed roll by.

The only crime the Green Brigade and the thousands of other Celtic supporters are guilty of is showing solidarity to an oppressed people. Nothing else.

: Supporter holds up a Palestinian flag prior to the UEFA Champions League match between Celtic FC and Atletico Madrid at Celtic Park Stadium on October 25, 2023. (Photo by Ian MacNicol/Getty Images)

Pyrotechnics you say? Well it’s not a thing exclusive to the Green Brigade, other supporters use them also. It’s a fact. How do we know? Well we have seen it with our own eyes.

Disturbances at away venues? Other fan groups do that too, some even wreck disability areas in the process.

That’s all the accusations you could throw at the Green Brigade, but is it worth condemnation and endless column inches by our hacks while all other ultra groups in Scottish football get off scot free?

It’s not as if the Green Brigade are guilty of throwing glass bottles on the pitch, scarring the opposition clubs employees in the process.

It’s not as if they flew a banner at a recent European game with sectarian overtones on it. Or displayed a Totenkopf is it?

No all this is unworthy of comment or condemnation in the eyes of our spineless hacks.

They are not fit for purpose and belong nowhere near Celtic Park.

Just an Ordinary Bhoy