It’s fair to say the Green Brigade occasionally divide opinion amongst the Celtic support but one thing you can say with absolute certainty is their actions in supporting their local community is incredible. Whether it’s food bank collections or bucket and toy collections for families at Christmas, they certainly are a group who understand the ethos and culture of Celtic’s charitable origins and carry those traditions on.

And when the contents of the St. Vincent de Paul box for the poor was stolen during Mass, Father Antony sent the message of that awful robbery on his Twitter account – “I hope and pray that the guy who came in today during the Mass, emptied the St Vincent de Paul box for the poor, and then even genuflected before leaving the church, finds his way onto a better path.”

Last night Father Antony posted again and this time it was an altogether more heart-warming message, as it appears The North Curve having heard of the theft stepped up. – “The @NCCeltic heard about the theft of the St Vincent de Paul collection on Tuesday and dropped off a very generous donation today. On behalf of the SVdP team and the poor they serve….thank you and God bless everyone of you!”

There is absolutely no chance The Green Brigade would publicise this act themselves and that in itself says a lot about their charitable intent, their generosity and their understanding of the needs of their local community.

After Christmas is over and we start again in a New Year, it can be all too easy to soon forget the Season of Goodwill. In this instance the Green Brigade have shown that charitable will extends well beyond the collections you see on matchdays. It makes you thankful for each and every one of them!