The Daily Record as we know isn’t exactly known for its impartial views when it comes to Scottish football. It’s quite clearly a paper dedicated to the tribute act from Ibrox, but yesterday’s pull out which was dedicated to theRangers bid for glory was quite an eye opener. It’s bias is clear for all to see, they don’t even hide it anymore.

‘Rangers (sic) Ready for Glory’ was the headline with pictures of the Ibrox favourites splashed all over the page. You could be forgiven for thinking it was the Rangers News ( that Craigy Whyte closed down). All that was missing was WATP and GSTK. Very staunch indeed.

It’s quite laughable, but shows how much the mainstream press loves and relies on the Ibrox side. This kiss-ass attitude is stomach churning, but one we’ve had to endure throughout the years. I for one can’t wait to see their predictions for the new season, now that will be interesting!

To think that theRangers supporters accuse the record of being pro-Celtic, calling it the Daily Rebel.  Yes I know! They must have, sorry they definitely have a screw loose. The Daily Record is a Rangers news outlet nothing less. With sales dwindling on a large scale they don’t care anymore, they publish what they want. Impartiality isn’t in their vocabulary, it never has been.

They know the day is coming when the newspaper, much like their beloved club goes down the tubes. That is a day that can’t come soon enough. I for one can’t wait to say good riddance to bad rubbish.

Just an Ordinary Bhoy