“Rodgers one sentence away from reminding the media of the Edouard goal that started this whole mess”

“Nothing of this was Celtic’s issue. Nothing. Celtic gets dragged into this as being a Celtic/Rangers thing. It’s not. This is a Rangers thing” Brendan Rodgers…a delve this morning into how the Celtic manager’s outstanding remarks at yesterday’s media conference were received from the Celtic support.  

Photo Andrew Milligan

Brendan hit the nail on the head when he pointed out the facts that the Scottish media won’t go near on the reasons for this ticket dispute happening in the first place at the Glasgow Derby fixture.

Maybe next week Brendan should talk about the same club lie and call that out too, remember all those mainstream media outlets reported the truth back in 2012 yet fell into lie to sell the lie day after day thereafter.

But for now the hacks had no alternative to report on the words from Brendan yesterday. And what is clear is that he didn’t ‘go rogue’ by laying out the previously unspeakable truth yesterday afternoon as he sat in that small media room at Lennoxtown with the hacks all looking straight at him, some with their cameras rolling.

That was of course Brendan telling it like it is but it was more than that. It was also CELTIC doing the same. Shortly before the conference Celtic released a short 67 word statement (you can be sure that  it was a well selected word-count) then Brendan did his bit brilliantly.

Next up Celtic has to remind the hacks why the ticket arrangement for 750 supporters attending Ibrox rather than 7500 after Odsonne Edouard’s winner in Match 2018 for ten-man Celtic broke the camel’s back and resulted in theRangers supporters demanding that the Celtic support in future should be stuck in the corner in vastly reduced numbers.

They got their way then they ruined that themselves with SEVEN incidents of serious assault with missiles including Buckfast bottles being thrown into the away Celtic support.

Other incidents at these Glasgow Derby games include broken glass been thrown onto the park at half-time into Joe Hart’s penalty box, a Celtic physio being hit by a bottle at half time  while walking up the tunnel. It was thrown by a corporate area guy who is currently doing time as is his fellow Rangers supporter who threw a Buckfast bottle a split a Celtic supporter’s head wide open in the away corner. That supporter was siting right next to one of our writers on The Celtic Star.

So Celtic concluded that the 750 arrangement was unsafe and theRangers AGREED, agreeing to install netting, which they failed to do, just like they agreed to do similar works to Celtic that our club carried out this summer. Again a broken promise from theRangers. It was made by their former CEO who bolted in the summer.

Here’s some the reaction to Brendan’s comments yesterday…

“Rodgers isn’t wrong, heard folk say Celtic have the work done so they should hold up their end of the bargain, but the harsh reality is you just can’t trust Rangers in good faith, all you have to do is listen to what their fans think of their board to know there’s no trust at all.” @AgentScotland

“Tremendous from Rodgers. We’ve held our part of the bargain – they’re unable to do so. We could’ve went in heavier here about the absurdity of this situation as it was crystal from the start this was their doing. They started it. It’s now tiresome yet journos find that difficult.” @MattMcGlone9

“Brendan Rodgers has addressed the continued absence of away fans at Old Firm derbies, pointing out that Celtic have done the necessary work requested by the SPFL to allow visiting supporters to attend, but Rangers’ own changes at Ibrox have been delayed.” @BBCMOTD

“Rodgers has gone. All hail the REAL return of Brendan!” @ETimsNet

“Brilliant stuff! Go Brendan.’This is a Rangers thing'” @HarryBradyCU

“Brendan speaking a blindingly obvious truth that nobody in the SMSM has the testicular fortitude to repeat. Much like the failure to challenge the ludicrous same club narrative. An excellent defence of the club from the manager.” @yogijunior3

“The war is over; Brendan Rodgers has won.” @Fitz__07

“The man is just box office hit after box office hit.” @BhoyinRed

“Rangers broke the Sydney friendly agreement. They now break the away fans agreement after kicking it all off. They’ve had to pay £10m to Ashley for breaking some agreement. Elite are after them after they broke an agreement to settle comp over a broke agreement. Mentalists.” @Zeshankenzo

“It takes the Celtic manager one minute at our press conference to cut through the succulent obfuscation that’s trying to create a narrative about the ongoing away support allocation problems that stems entirely from Ibrox. Hang your heads journos.” @bhoab

“The press continue to dance on the pin of false equivalence without going near why Ibrox may not be ready for January.” @Alan_Morrison67

“Brendan absolutely spot on, the only real person with authority to come out and tell it how it is!
Rangers started all this and Celtic had to play along as if it was a duel issue when in reality it was a Rangers issue.” @celtic-now

“I think for all the Brendan Rodgers doubters. Today, he showed exactly where his loyalties lie. No messing about from him today at his press conference. He got right in about them. Beautiful. x” @ScotAlcroft

“Rodgers and Celtic cannot be any clearer…the issue lies with Rangers. Now the media must ask Rangers why they cannot make these guarantees.” xxx_Occhio

“Brendan Rodgers putting facts across with such force that several alleged journalists left the Celtic press conference with severe bruising. And we know they got the message when none of them asked any further questions about ticket allocations for the Glasgow Derby.” @SteinReigned

“Rodgers one sentence away from reminding the media of the Edouard goal that started this whole mess.” @AidanCregan

‘He’s back! Proper elite manager, our Brendan.” @LouiseMunr5860.

About Author

The Celtic Star founder and editor David Faulds has edited numerous Celtic books over the past decade or so including several from Lisbon Lions, Willie Wallace, Tommy Gemmell and Jim Craig. Earliest Celtic memories include a win over East Fife at Celtic Park and the 4-1 League Cup loss to Partick Thistle as a 6 year old. Best game? Easy 4-2, 1979 when Ten Men Won the League. Email editor@thecelticstar.co.uk

1 Comment

  1. In danger of spoiling what was one of the best derby’s in the world. Football without fans is nothing. The game needs both sets of supporters to big it up. HH. ⚽⚽⚽⚽⚽⚽